Chapter 17

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   After Jetta had left, I came up with an idea. The knife. If I could get a hold of the knife, I could free myself from the chair. I soon realized that Jetta hadn't tied me to the chair well at all, because I easily pulled my arms free.

   I then reached behind me and felt around the table for the knife. Feeling something cold and sharp, I grabbed it, and brought it in front of me. Sure enough, it was a knife, and it had my blood on it. I cut the rope as quickly as I could, and minutes later, I was free.

   The trick now was how to get out. I slowly walked forward to where Jetta had gone out and felt for a light switch. Finally finding one, I flipped the lights on. Looking around, I was very confused. Honestly, I still didn't know where I was. All the walls were gray, and the table and chair were in the corner.

   I then looked at the door and decided I was going to try and open it, even though Jetta had most likely locked it. Turning the door handle, I found out that it was unlocked. Maybe Jetta thought I wouldn't escape. Maybe she thought I was intimidated by her now.

   Boy, was I wrong. Looking around, I saw that Jetta was standing a few feet away, and she was holding the gun. I didn't even have time to run away, before Jetta shot me in the leg, and I was on the ground.

   "You really like to test me, don't you?" she said, aiming the gun at me again. Ok, now I really was scared. I was now screaming. Jetta smirked with satisfaction. She had finally broken me. "Stop!" I screamed, trying to drag myself away.

   Jetta stepped forward and kneeled down beside me. She pressed the barrel to the side of my head, and I went still. This was it. Jetta was going to kill me. And then it happened. I heard the gun go off, and it was over.

   Or maybe it wasn't... 

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