♥PART 4♥

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we had already liked your daughter. Kabir posting was going to happen in junaghar. if you dont have any problem then fix the date in this month. Or else we had to wait for 7 months.

kabir's mom anupriya said to anita and raj.

okay we have no problem. We are lucky to get a son in law like kabir.

anita praise kabir on which anupriya and kabir smiles. Raj rolled his eyes to anita and glared her angrily.

i think first kabir and ridhima will meet then we will decide about this relation.

raj said and smiled sheeply looking at anita and she glared him angrily. Kabir and Anupriya also looks shocked because they think they are native family so they can easily trapped them.

hmm why not. Can you show kabir the way.

anupriya fakely smiles and ask anita.

why not. Come kabir beta i will take you.

anita said and takes kabir with her to ridhima room.


vansh i am asking you last time. If you want to marry a girl of your choice than marry fast or else you have to marry girl that i will chose.

uma threated vansh. Vansh take it casually because it is normal for him. It happens almost everyday.

mom please not again.

vansh busy himself in files.

what not again vansh. Cant you feel ridhwik needs a mother and you a life partner.

uma angrily shout at vansh on which vansh outbrust.

mom i am telling you last time i love ragini and i cant forget her. i had only one wife ragini and nobody can take her place in my life.

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