༒chapter two༒

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After looking over the inside of the limo quickly, a few reoccurring things stick out to me. The very nice leather seats, the small TVs, a compartment that definitely holds drink dispensers, and candy.

There is so much candy, all of it I have never seen before. I think I've heard of some of them, but I've never seen it in real time. Jay and Carlos see it all too. They share a quick glance before both diving for all of it in front of them. Evie grabs a blue crystal-looking candy on a wooden stick while the two keep fighting over the candy.

Mal grabs a remote thing and looks around, probably wondering what the hell is does exactly. I grab a red piece of candy. It's twirled and sort of chewy when I bite into it. There is a cherry taste along with a faint strawberry.

After their fighting, Carlos and Jay look out the windows of the limo. I do the same, but glance over at my sister when I hear Evie say, "You're looking a little washed out. Here, let me help you." She holds the crystal candy in one hand while she starts applying blush to Mal's cheeks.

"Ew, stop," Mal says, pushing Evie's hand away. She rolls her eyes and moves her hair out of her face. "I'm plotting."

Evie readjusts in her seat and goes to eat more of the crystal candy. "Well, it's not very attractive," she says, then nods to me. "I mean, Harper has major resting bitch face, but she still makes it attractive."

I look over at Evie and put my hand over my heart, smiling at her. "Thank you, Evie," I say, my smile widening. She nods and smiles to me, saying a 'thank you' before eating the candy. I turn back to the window and let my smile drop.

I hear an 'omm' from Carlos and turn around to see him shoving a piece of candy down his throat. Jay has already swiped some headphones and put them on his head with also shoving candy down his throat.

"Oh!" Carlos exclaims, hitting Jay's shoulder while looking at the half-eaten candy in his hand with wide eyes. "These," Carlos says when Jay looks over at him, "it's salty like nuts, but sweet like I don't know what." He gets another bite.

"Let me see," Jay says with his mouth full. He looks at Carlos, who open his mouth to show Jay some of the chewed up candy. I snicker as Jay slaps Carlos' arm with a disgusted look on his face.

"Ow," Carlos says, looking offended when Jay grabs the candy and starts eating it. Carlos smiles and nods.

I grab another piece of the twisty candy, but a black piece this time. When I bite some of it off and swallow, I make a gagging face before putting it back in the container. I grab another red one and decide to stay away from the black ones.


We all snap our heads around to the window.

"It's a trap!" Carlos yells.

And we're going to drive off the bridge. Why am I not surprised?

Mal grabs me and we all brace for impact of falling into the water, which I know for a fact has killer sharks.

When we don't start falling, we all move away from each other and looks out the windows. A yellow-gold mist is surrounding the limo, and we're driving on a yellow brick road that definitely wasn't there before.

"What just happened?" Carlos asked as Mal makes a scoffing laugh.

I turn to the man driving the limo. "Are we going to Oz or some shit?" I ask, motioning to the yellow brick road in front of us.

He looks at me in the rear view mirror. "We don't live in Kansas."

I scoff and roll my eyes.

"It must be magic!" Evie says, grinning wide.

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