Chapter 2

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"I want some answers." He whispered. I shivered since his lips were so close to my ear. He smirked and gently bit my ear.

My face went red as I tried to push him away. "Get away from me."

"I will once you tell me how you know the teacher." This guy is...scaring me. I looked down and almost felt like I would cry.

He seemed to notice me shaking and immediately stepped back. "Sorry, I must have scared you." I looked up at him.

"I'll find some way to get you to tell me." He smiled and walked off. I slid down the lockers and hid my face in my knees. I honestly thought I would break.


I finally got home and immediately went to my room. I sat on my bed and thought about what happened.

My chest hurt so bad just remembering. I closed my eyes and soon fell fast asleep.

(Makoto's POV)

I sat on the swing and looked at the sky. I knew I hurt him but normally when I hurt someone I don't care, but this felt like I really tore him apart.

I cast my eyes at the ground in regret. I didn't want to hurt him. I closed my eyes wishing the day would just end already.

Will that guy be okay? I realized I started thinking about him subconsciously and tried to tell myself to stop. But something about him fascinated me.

I don't what it was yet. Just something. I smiled just thinking about him. He was the only person who filled my thoughts right now.

I opened my eyes and stood up. I better get home. The street was quiet as I walked. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around.

My eyes widened as I saw Kiyoshi standing there. "It was you. The one that doesn't like the teacher."

"I have a name you know." I smirked and he gave me a look that said "Well then tell me".

"Makoto. My name is Makoto." He nodded.

"Im guessing you already know my name." I nodded.

"How could I not? Everyone hears about the new kid." He giggled and my god it was adorable. "Anyways did you go home?"

"I did and fell asleep but then I woke up and decided to take a walk. That how I saw you." He was messing with his hair which made it seem like he wasn't serious at all.

"I see. Well I was just heading home. You know how parents are when your late." He nodded.

"I know." He smiled and right before he left I grabbed his hand. He turned around in surprise. I let go of his hand instantly.

"Umm...I was just gonna ask you if...we could maybe talk tomorrow at school. As friends." He smiled and nodded.

"See you tomorrow." And with that he ran off.


I arrived home and almost died of relief that my parents weren't there. I walked up to my room and sat on my bed.

"Kiyoshi huh. He's cute." I smiled to myself as I heard the front door open and then slam shut.

I frowned immediately. "WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!!!" I heard a bottle smash and I flinched.

I heard more shouting and more bottles smashing. Each time one smashed I visibly flinched or gritted my teeth.

"MAKOTO! COME DOWN HERE NOW!" I reluctantly got up and walked downstairs. My hand trembled as I held on to the railing.

"Wh...what is it?" I asked quietly. My mom turned to me. The look of anger on her face told everything. She walked over to me and slapped me across the face.

"Worthless child. You never do a damn thing in this house." She slapped me again but even harder.

I kept in my tears and didn't look at her. She appeared even more angry when I didn't say anything.

She gripped my hair and dragged me upstairs. She tossed me in my room and slammed my door shut. She then put the lock on it so I couldn't get out.

I ran over to my door and tried to open it. I banged on the door but nothing happened. I walked over to my bed and sat on it. I bring my knees to my chest crying softly.

(Kiyoshi's POV)

I looked back as I saw Makoto walk home. Something seemed off when he was talking about parents.

I thought about it all the way back home and still couldn't figure out why he seemed sad. I paced around my room and after a while I shook my head and told myself to not think about it.

I layed on my bed and stared at the wall. When I see him tomorrow, will he be different than what I saw today?

[Hey guys! Omg I shed tears for Makoto. Even though it was only slapping. It hurt me to write it. I realized I have about two books with abusive parents. If you have ideas for this book or my others please tell me. Stay Awesome!


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