Chapter One

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I jog into the offices of the Daily Planet, trying to straighten my tie and act like I'm not rushing at the same time. I'm not late yet, but I'm about to be.

I settle into a comfortable stride as I approach the front desk and smile at the woman sitting behind it. She smiles back as I stop and asks, "How can I help you, sir?"

"I have an interview with Mr. Perry White," I explain. "I'm Clark Kent."

"Ah, yes, he's expecting you, Mr. Kent. His prior meeting is running a little over, so you'll have to wait until he's finished."

"Of course."

I take a seat, glancing around, observing the hustle and bustle of the paper. I'm excited to be here, and I hope I get the job, but I'm also nervous.

A bigger city means more opportunities to use my powers, and the more I use my powers, the more likely I am to be discovered. Just now, as I was crossing the street to come into the Planet, a bus couldn't brake, so I stopped it with my hand. I left an impression deep in the metal. It's going to be noticed.

I'm sure it will be written off as an unexplainable incident, but if I stay here in Metropolis, there will be more, and eventually, someone's going to put together the pieces. My parents are scared to death that I'll spend the rest of my life locked up in a lab if anyone discovers what I can do, and I know their fears are legitimate.

But I've recently decided that I can't let that stop me from living my life, though it's easier said than done. I also can't live with myself if I just let people get hurt when I know that I am completely capable of stopping it.

The door to Perry White's office opens and I look up, reflexively rising to my feet as a woman exits. I push my completely unnecessary glasses back up on my nose and slowly let out a breath as I stare at her.

She's absolutely stunning. She's almost a foot shorter than me, and I can see every generous curve of her body thanks to the tight jeans and sweater she's wearing. Her thick, shiny brown hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun. Several loose tendrils frame her round face, drawing my attention to her full pink lips and the adorable swoop at the end of her nose.

Her pale skin flushes as her big, warm hazel eyes meet my bright blue ones. I nod at her and she smiles, but before I can introduce myself, a tall, imposing man leans out of the office door and points at me.

"Are you Kent?"

"Yes, sir," I reply.

He waves me towards him. "Get in here." He points at the woman next. "You wait for me," he orders.

She grimaces at him, but does what he says. I cast one more curious look in her direction, then follow the man into the office.

"Professor Carlton from the University of Kansas called me and mentioned you," Perry begins. "That's the only reason I'm doing this interview. I can already tell you that you are not experienced enough to work at the Planet. Anybody can earn a journalism degree, and I know the one you have is perfectly good, but that doesn't mean it's of any use to me."

I nod. "I thought you might say that, sir, but I assure you, I'm willing to learn. I know that being editor of a tiny paper in Smallville can't compare to what you all do here. I promise that I don't have any delusions of grandeur. I just want to broaden my horizons as a reporter, and this is the perfect place to do that."

Perry shrugs. "I couldn't agree more, Kent, but that doesn't mean it's up to me to take in every stray who walks through my door, even if they're recommended by an old friend."

I open my mouth to argue my case again, jumping a little when Perry suddenly yells over my shoulder. "Lois! Did you write that mood piece I wanted on the old theater that's being demolished?"

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