Chapter Three

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We arrive at the theater. There's a handful of protesters outside, but it's calm, not violent. I don't want to use that angle for my story anyway. I want to find something unique that will hopefully impress Perry.

I overhear that one of the protesters is inside. She's not in danger, thankfully, but I'm still curious. I put my arm around Robin's shoulders to keep her close and we slip through the door.

It's easy to follow the sound of a woman's voice to the stage. She's in costume and reciting Chekhov.

"The Cherry Orchard," Robin murmurs. "I read it in college."

I smile when she recognizes it. "Pardon me for a moment," I excuse myself. "Feel free to watch and listen for your research."

She leans against the wall while I approach the stage and engage the woman in conversation. She immediately starts talking about the theater, and suddenly, I have my angle. She's more than happy to answer my questions about its heyday and the feeling she got whenever she was on stage.

I take notes until she's done talking, then escort her out with Robin on my other arm. Once my impromptu interview has found her friends and gone home, Robin turns and looks up at me. Her side is pressed against mine, and I love the feeling.

"That was incredibly sweet of you, Clark," she murmurs.

I beam at her. "You've called me sweet a few times now, I think."

She laughs a little self-consciously. "Well, if you'd just stop being sweet, I wouldn't have to keep telling you it's true," she teases softly.

"Maybe I like it," I tease back.

She blushes as we move back onto the sidewalk to return to the Planet. When we do, Perry waves at me from his office and we go in that direction.

"Got that theater piece for me yet, Kent?" he asks.

I hold up my notebook. "I have all the notes, sir. I'll have it to you shortly."

"Excellent." Perry grins. "You keep this up, Kent, and you just might be my new star. Intern's going to give you a tour and show you to your desk, all right?" He looks at Robin briefly. "What do you think of Kent so far, Ballard?"

"I think he's got what it takes, Perry. Lois Lane better look out."

"That's what I like to hear!" Perry calls over his shoulder, already walking away as something else grabs his attention.

I laugh and nudge her. "Thanks."

"Just telling the truth, like always," she assures me. "Can I join you on your tour? I've seen the place already, of course, but it might be fun."

"Of course. I like spending time with you, Robin," I tell her sincerely.

"Well, that's good, since we're going to be spending at least a year together."

It will be longer if I have anything to say about it, but ultimately, she has to make that decision, not me.

The intern shows us around the Planet. I offer Robin my arm again, and she takes it, much to my delight.

Several of the women we pass flash me smiles or make flirty comments. The first time it happens, Robin pulls away a bit, but I cover her hand with mine to keep her close.

I only have eyes for her. No one else is going to tempt me away.

She blushes and smiles up at me, then rests her head on my upper arm for the rest of the tour.

"And this is your desk, Mr. Kent," the intern finishes.

I thank him and he hurries off, leaving me alone with Robin again.

Before I can say anything, her phone rings. She looks at me apologetically as she pulls it out of her bag and answers it.

"Hi, Mike. What's up?"

I try not to listen, but I can't help it. Mike tells Robin he has to cancel tonight, and I bite my lip.

I should have guessed that she already had someone else. She's too wonderful to stay single for long.

"Really?" she asks, clearly disappointed. "No, it's fine. I'll be all right. Thank you so much. Bye."

She hangs up, drops the phone back into her bag, then leans against my desk and looks at me. "Well, shit," she curses succinctly.

My eyes widen and I lean beside her. "What's happening, Robin?"

"Sorry," she mutters. "That was Mike. He works for the same publisher I do. He was doing me a favor and escorting me to Lex's ball this evening. But he had to cancel, so now I have to go by myself."

He was just a colleague doing her a favor. I perk back up, take a deep breath, and decide to seize my second opportunity of the day. "Do you have to go? We could have dinner instead. I'm sure there are plenty of places in the city left to show me."

"It's nice of you to offer, Clark, but I have to go," she sighs. "Only being around Lex is going to help me figure out what he's up to. And even if that wasn't an issue, Lex's ball is the social event of the year. Everyone who's anyone is going to be there. I've made so many connections there each year I've gone. I'd be stupid to miss it just because I don't want him to see me alone."

"I'm curious," I declare. "Will you indulge me for a minute?"

She nods, so I ask, "Why doesn't anyone believe you about Lex? You mentioned it earlier."

"Lex has put money into every charitable organization in the city," Robin explains. "Half of the buildings have his name on them. You can't throw a rock without hitting someone who works for him, whether it's as a janitor or a lead scientist. To most, he does so much good that that means he can't possibly do any wrong. But I have seen another side of him, Clark, and I know I'm right."

"I believe you," I reassure her, gently touching her back.

She looks up at me and bites her lip. "I know, Clark. That means a lot to me. Um..."

"Yes, Robin?" I encourage her.

"Would you want to go to the ball with me?" she wonders shyly. "You could make your own connections. I'll introduce you to everyone I know. You'd need a tux. I don't know if you have one."

Somehow, I manage to contain my excitement. I haven't even known her for a whole day, and she's already asked me out on a date.

"I'd be honored to accompany you, Robin. And I already have a tux. Quite a few of my high school friends have gotten married recently."

The corners of her lips quirk up into a smile as I think she picks up on the hidden message in what I said. I can't tell her that I'll have to fly back to Kansas to get my tux, and that I don't mind doing it for her at all. I'll just have to make her feel that appreciation some other way.

"Can I pick you up?" I wonder. "I have to finish this story and get it to Perry first, then I'll go home and get my tux and be ready to go."

"I'd love for you to pick me up, Clark. Can I have your notebook?"

I hand it over and she writes her address in it, then hands it back to me. I take it and then give her my phone. "In case I get lost?" I beg playfully, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

She laughs loudly. "Oh, those are unfair, Clark."

She puts her number in and then returns the phone. "Thank you, Clark. I know this probably isn't the way you imagined spending your first night in Metropolis."

I reach out and stroke her cheekbone with my thumb, immensely pleased when she leans eagerly into my touch.

"There's nowhere else I'd rather be, Robin. Honestly."

"Then pick me up at seven," she decides. "I'm going to go take a nice hot bath before subjecting myself to Ex Luthor."

She rolls her eyes at the nickname and I wink at her, watching wistfully as she walks away.

Once she's gone, I sit down at my desk to write up my story, very much looking forward to tonight.

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