Chapter 1 - A Swifter Rider [Part Two]

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"Absolutely not!" Hiccup shouts. "It's far too dangerous! Neither of you girls can stay on a dragon's back let alone fly one."

"But Dad, we'll be with Fishlegs." Zephyr says. "Mom, please, you have to understand!"

"Sorry honey, I have to agree with your father. It's dangerous." Astrid tells her.

Zephyr scoffs. "So you won't let me go on what sounds like a thrilling adventure yet you let Nuff explore with Ruffrunner and Pouncer!" she shrieks.

"Ruffrunner and Pouncer are dragons. They can protect him if he gets into trouble and he's younger than you." Astrid reminds her daughter.

"That isn't fair! If he can explore then I should be allowed to go on my own adventure!" Zephyr shouts. "Please!"

"Chief? If it's okay with you; Daddy here, can keep an eye on Zeph and I. Plus, we'll bring Tatsu and Dart with us!" Alvi smiles big.

"Dart'll protect me." Zephyr mutters quietly. "Like the good friend she is."

Hiccup frowns as his daughter fold her arms across her chest and huffs. Dart pads down the stairs and licks her bonded rider's face.

"Alright. Fine. 'Legs, you keep her out of trouble. Both girls. Dart and Tatsu will have to be glued to their riders." Hiccup tells the bulky Viking.

Fishlegs beams. "Yes Chief! I won't let you and Astrid down!" he says then turns to face his own daughter. "Alvi, why don't you go get ready. Zephyr should get ready too."

Alvi nods and makes a mad dash out of the house, placing two fingers and whistling loudly. A dark red and yellow Crimson Goregutter bounds up to her as he picks her up in his paws, leaping into the sky to fly her to her family's house.

The brunette is dropped on the ground right in front of the door. Her dragon tilts his head at her as she raises a hand to pat his neck.

"Good boy, Tatsu! Stay here, I need to pack!" she shrieks then dashes into the house.

She digs out a saddlebag with the Ingerman family crest and drops it onto her bedspread. Alvi opens it and starts throwing an extra pair of clothes, a spare first aid her mother gave her in case of emergencies, a few daggers, and some bread rolled up in a sash then tied. She closes it and pulls her saddlebag close, swinging it over her small shoulder.

Alvi runs back into the kitchen and decides to grab a few salmons for Tatsu then dashes out the door.

"Packed in less than fifteen minutes, that's a new record!" Alvi cheers as she walks down three steps, making her way to the chief's house.

In the timespan of fifteen minutes; not only is Alvi all ready but Zephyr is ready as well.

"Wow. In a hurry much?" Zephyr comments with a smirk.

"What can I say, I'm excited!" Alvi shrugs her shoulders. "Tatsu is excited too!"

Her dragon merely nuzzles her arm as she pets his head.

"Dart's excited to spread her wings, aren't you girl?" Zephyr asks the NightLight; the NightLight licks her face again.


Fishlegs comes running up to the Haddock household, panting out of breath with Meatlug behind him.

"Oh my Thor, daddy! Is that Meatlug?" Alvi shouts. "I thought she was at the Hidden World!"

"She was. But Toothless let her come since flying will be significantly faster than boating." Hiccup remarks.

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