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To Wanda, this mission was almost more about Natasha than it was about Scooter, or the weapons dealer, or any other criminal. What Natasha said in that cell, about being initially hurt when Wanda wanted to team up, not trusting Wanda's intentions, and not trusting anyone, really, saddened the blonde. This was a tough business, sure, but good people still existed, and Natasha deserved to see that. Natasha deserved to see Wanda as she truly was. So, yes, the upcoming Glasgow stakeout and raid remained vital, but a secondary purpose emerged for Wanda. Operation: make Natasha like her. Or at least tolerate her.

As for Natasha, she intended to stay strictly professional with Wanda and especially with Clint. Optimally, this team up would carry no personal ties. Wanda was charming, sure, and Clint was harmless, but in her experience, keeping her guard up was necessary, and honestly easier, than vulnerability. At times it was lonely, but she was a spy. Spies didn't often have friends.

Truthfully, though, keeping her distance from Wanda was difficult for the redhead. Somehow, someway, she liked the young FBI agent. She was vibrant, authentic, a nice contrast to the brutality of their work. Wanda was childish and immature at the surface, always flirting, always poking, but Natasha saw untapped depth.

"You know what the best part of this is?" Wanda pried, kicking her feet up on Natasha's dash as the two rode through the winding streets of Scotland. "I can annoy you as much as I want, and you can't do anything about it now. You're stuck with me."

"You really wanna test that?" Natasha asked, exasperated. Wanda had the same energy level as a golden retriever; it was like sitting in front of a kid at a movie theater that constantly kicked the back of the seat. "I could still throw you out of this car. No one would know..."

Wanda sat up. "Um, excuse me? Clint and Steve are driving right behind us. At least one of them would notice. I think."

"God, why didn't I just ride with Steve..."

"'Cuz you're gonna warm up to me, whether you like it or not."

"Is that so?"


"Well, you're doing a great job so far."

Wanda pouted. "Your sarcasm is too convincing sometimes."

Natasha smiled despite herself, knowing that staying emotionally distant from Wanda was probably going to be her toughest mission yet. The two settled into comfortable silence as the scenic grassy hills of Scotland rolled on for miles, taking up most of Natasha's thoughts.

The country, its warmth and simplicity, was a breath of fresh air from the bustling, manic cities her job usually lugged her to. Moscow, Rome, Paris, they sometimes ran together in her mind, a blur of fast cars, blinding lights, beautiful people. She loved the city, sure, and the anonymity they granted in the expanse of inhabitant, but they were tiresome. The nights never fully dark, sleep never fully restful. So, when Natasha did get a chance to get out onto the country, into acres and miles of nothingness, she relished it. Country life appealed to her- values of self-sufficiency, hard work, independence. A certain reserved solitude and quiet that soothed her soul.

"Would you ever move out here?" Wanda asked, reading Natasha's face. "Anywhere like here?"

"Yeah," Natasha answered without thinking.


"I... yeah."

"Whatcha thinking about? You've been looking at the grass all starry eyed for the past twenty miles."

"Just... a farmhouse would be nice, that's all."

Wanda, encouraged by the genuine response, addressed something that had been eating at her since Paris. "Can I ask you a question? You don't have to answer."

"You're gonna ask me anyway, so shoot."

"At the gala in Paris, did you mean what you said?" Wanda asked softly, eyes gazing out into the countryside.

"I said a lot of things in Paris."

"The doe-eyed, overeager kid part..."

"Cutting to the chase, huh?"

"I just..." Wanda shrugged, folding into herself, a little embarrassed now. "I don't know, if we're gonna be partners, I feel like we should put it all on the table. No hidden animosity."

"But visible animosity is okay?"

Wanda frowned. "Romanoff."

"Sorry, I'll play along. I respect the direct approach, Maximoff. I play far too many mind games these days." Natasha sighed, tapping her thumbs on the steering wheel. "No, I didn't mean it."

"You promise?"

"I don't make promises," she said. "But I also don't lie about things like this. And I think your eyes are.... pretty, by the way."

"Are you gonna ask me if I meant what I said back there?"

"I know you didn't."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Despite my better judgement, and years of experience telling me otherwise, I think your intentions are pure. You do want me to warm up to you, after all, and that's not the kind of person I would consider malicious."

"Look at you, baring your soul."

Natasha flushed, cursing herself internally. "You make it too easy."

"Don't be embarrassed. I just want us on good terms for the life and death situations we will inevitable find ourselves in."

Natasha nodded, biting her tongue to keep from further embarrassment. Was Wanda some sort of witch? How could she make Natasha feel so comfortable, so relaxed that she'd say things like that? Complementing her eyes, telling her about the farmhouse she dreamed of? Was it because Wanda was just so unassuming, nonthreatening, reassuring, or was Natasha just that desperate for a genuine interaction, despite that dangers that brought?

Soon, more and more cottages and villages spotted the hills. Glasgow approached quickly, as did the main mission- find Scooter's safe house and finally bring him in. All signs pointed to the man hiding out in an apartment in the city as he awaited more orders from the big boss. Wanda sat up anxiously as the city came into view- a gorgeous, ancient town filled with history and stories.

"You okay?" Natasha asked as Wanda wrung her hands in the passenger seat.

"I'll be fine, I'm just a little nervous. It's just a little unnerving, seeing Scooter again. He has gotten the best of us twice now..."

"We're gonna take him out today, Wanda. He won't be able to hurt y- anyone, again."

Wanda nodded as the car stopped in a parallel spot on a crowded street. Tourists and locals carried on their business as the spies tugged on their gear, bulletproof vests and holsters galore. Wanda took notice as Natasha kept one handgun drawn, though she holstered both of hers. Steve and Clint joined them on the sidewalk, and the spies collectively went over the plan. Frankly it was quite a direct operation, one that relied on the element of surprise- the two men would bust down the front door of the second story apartment, while the women would perch on the fire escape to counter anyone running away. The foursome took their positions, and Wanda crouched behind Natasha as they waited for Clint's signal.

The signal came in the form of the loud crash that came from the men barreling through the door, and after several moments, Clint yelling at someone to get on the ground. Natasha stayed on her toes, adrenaline already coursing through her, ready to chase after stragglers. Wanda wasn't as keen to sprint, she was a spy, not an athlete.

"Nat! He's coming your way!" Steve shouted as someone busted through a window, careening onto the pavement outside. Vaulting off of the fire escape, Natasha chased after the man with Wanda close behind. It didn't take long until Natasha caught up to the man, tackling him roughly, sending them both tumbling.

"Cuff him!" Natasha strained as she pinned the man down with a knee on his back. Wanda obliged, scrambling to handcuff Scooter and drag him to his feet.

"He'll hear about this," Scooter panted.

Natasha wiped blood from a sizable gas on her forehead. "That's the plan, Einstein."

When Spies Collide // WandaNat Spy AUWhere stories live. Discover now