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"Listen, I know this is a mission, but all I'm saying is no one would notice if we were gone for twenty minutes," Wanda whispered salaciously as the luxurious limo the pair inhabited slowed, signaling their arrival. Offering her hand, Wanda stepped out first, smoothing her sleek black designer suit.

"Always the flirt," Natasha said, accepting the extended hand. "Though I would keep you longer than twenty minutes."

Natasha linked her arm through Wanda's, shivering in the brisk breeze that blew through the evening Berlin air. The low cut red ballgown Natasha donned did not offer much in the way of warmth.

"Cold, darling?" Wanda asked, beginning to shrug off her suit jacket.

"I'll be alright. Thank you, though."

Wanda nodded, then directed her attention to the crowd that formed around the auction house. So many socialites, heiresses, moguls, so many beautiful people in extravagant outfits with extraordinary wealth, yet none compared to the woman at her side. The last month had been a mix of pure bliss and unrestrained agony; the budding relationship juxtaposed with her recovery. Natasha had been extremely supportive of Wanda and her rehab, always knowing when to push and when to comfort, never allowing her to become discouraged.

Memories of the explosion momentarily stopped Wanda in her tracks, and the act did not escape the redhead's notice. This auction in Berlin was Wanda's first foray back into the field since her injury in New Orleans. Though the doctors and her colleagues said she was ready, doubt lingered. Tonight was no massive operation, more of an opportunity to gather intelligence rather than fight, but deals can sour quickly, and go to blows.

"You know, it's been a while since I've been to Germany," Natasha whispered to her date.

"Yeah? What's the story there?" Wanda asked, readying her false identification to flash at the auction's bouncer.

"I was young. Not even a spy yet. I think I came over here for a concert, or something. Snuck in and got backstage."

Wanda shot a quizzical look to her partner as the bouncer let them pass through without issue. "Really?"

"No," she chuckled. "That was good practice."


"More like," Natasha surveyed the grand ballroom with a familiar gleam in her eye, "creative storytelling."


The ballroom hosting the mass of buyers and sellers was nothing short of opulent. It looked straight out of a renaissance painting; high ceilings, golden accents, majestic chandeliers. The party preceding proper business raged as if it were thrown by Gatsby himself. Berlin housed one of the more lively crowds the pair had seen, and Natasha was excited by this, but Wanda had reservations.

"I don't like this place," Wanda complained through a smile. "No cover, one exit, small windows."

Natasha dragged her partner to a secluded area of the ballroom. "Wanda, this isn't a combat mission. I'm glad you're being vigilant, but I don't want you distracted. We do have an actual task, after all. This isn't just for fun."

Wanda feigned a pout. "You didn't get all dressed up just for me?"

"Afraid not." Natasha kissed her forehead. "Dance with me. Let's do some recon."

Wanda didn't need to be asked twice. She joined her partner in a relaxed waltz, neither one really leading. The two fell into an easy rhythm, Natasha resting her head on Wanda's shoulder. The amount of trust the redhead already had in the young agent was mind boggling; most people she didn't trust as far as she could throw them, but Wanda was different. She was flirty, yes, and could come off as over confident, but there was always an earnestness to her bravado, like it was not all for show. Wanda's heart on her sleeve nature encouraged Natasha to bring her own walls down, if even just a bit, and the blonde had wedged her way in.

"So, who are you tonight?" Wanda asked softly, causing Natasha to lift her head.


"You got a back story tonight? Of you and me, maybe?"

"Of course," Natasha smiled. "Tonight you're a free lance photographer. You travel all over and meet all sorts of people, but you've finally made some time for your girl back home."

"That girl being you?"


Wanda took control of the waltz, spinning Natasha a few times. "And has this girl missed me?"


Wanda couldn't help but smile as Natasha kissed her. "Well, if this is my only night in town, we better make it worthwhile."

Natasha sighed as she pulled back. "Maybe it doesn't have to be your only night."

"What, you wanna stay in Berlin?"

"It's not just about Berlin."

Natasha studied Wanda's confused green eyes. She felt the younger woman's strong arm around her waist, leading her in a romantic slow dance. She noticed the way Wanda kept her back to the crowd, trusting Natasha to watch it for her. She noticed so many small things Wanda did that endeared her. She hoped she never stopped finding new ones.

"What's on your mind, Nat?"

Ignoring the pretense of reconnaissance, Natasha laid her head back down on Wanda's chest, holding her close, swaying to the slow jazz. "Why'd you even come with me? This is a SHIELD op. You'll be getting your own assignments soon, probably be in another country."

"I came with you because you're my partner. You're stuck with me now." Wanda bit her lip, one hand rubbing slow circles on Natasha's back. In this close embrace, the rest of the party seemed to slip away. "And I've been thinking..."

Natasha looked up hopefully. "Thinking?"

"What if I joined SHIELD?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, yeah... I am. We've been working together so much already, it just feels natural."

Blushing, Natasha was too shocked and ecstatic to respond, so she folded deeper into Wanda's embrace, only re-emerging when the music shifting, signaling the auction's start approached.

"So much for recon," Natasha shrugged.

Wanda beamed, offering the other woman her arm once more. "What do you say? Together?"


When Spies Collide // WandaNat Spy AUWhere stories live. Discover now