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Rafe and Sage were out for another date night. A drive in movie, because movies were one of Sage's favorite things.

Rafe backed his car into a spot, and parked looking over at his brunette beauty. He smiled, admiring her like he always did.

"What?" Sage asked, blushing under Rafe's gaze. Rafe shook his head, but leaned in and pressed his lips against hers.

"I just love you." Rafe said, and Sage rolled her eyes playfully. She wasn't usually one for compliments, but coming from Rafe made her all giddy.

"I love you." Sage said, getting out of the car and pulling open the trunk. Sage grabbed herself a blanket, and wrapped herself inside of it as she plopped down in the trunk.

Rafe looked down at her, and gave her a sad look. Sage noticed, and followed his gaze to the blanket, and chuckled.

Sage opened the blanket, and Rafe climbed in the trunk and cuddled up next to her, and Sage wrapped the two of them in the blanket.

"Sage." Rafe spoke. Sage looked over at him, and he still had a sad look on his face.

"What?" Sage asked, turning to face him and give him her full attention.

"Please don't ever break my heart." Rafe said. Sage was taken aback at his comment, wondering why he said that all of a sudden.

"Rafe Cameron. I would never, ever break your heart. I love you forever and always." Sage said, placing her forehead against his.

Rafe smiled, loving the words of encouragement. The sun was still setting, and the two waited for the movie to play on the big screen.

"Sage, hey!" A voice called out. Sage sat up and looked around, and saw Levi accompanied by Ruby and Quinn.

"Hey guys!" Sage called out, unwrapping herself from the blanket, and walking over to them. Rafe shivered at the absence of Sage's body warmth, and felt the jealousy slowly arising.

"What are you doing here?" Levi asked, putting his hands in his pockets as he nervously swayed back and forth.

"Same thing as you I'm assuming. I'm here with my boyfriend." Sage said, pointing over at Rafe. Levi waved, but only received a scowl back.

"You've got a boyfriend?" Ruby asked, and Sage nodded.

"Yeah, you guys should meet him." Sage said, turning around, and waving Rafe over. Rafe trudged over, and wrapped his arm protectively around Sage's waist.

"Rafe this is Levi, Ruby, and Quinn. They invited me to join their photography club." Sage said. Levi held his hand out for Rafe to shake, but Rafe didn't return it.

"Rafe." Sage warned, and Rafe threw on a fake smiled, and shook his hand.

"Speaking of the club, there's a meeting tonight if you want to come. We're having it at Quinn's place." Levi said, and Sage nodded.

"Cool, I'll be there if you want to text me the address." Sage said, and Levi nodded.

"You go to Kildare?" Quinn asked, and Rafe shook his head.

"No, I graduated a couple years ago from OBX Prep." Rafe said, keeping it brief.

"Oh shit Sage, and older man?" Ruby asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Stop." Sage laughed, pushing Ruby's shoulder. Ruby laughed, and Rafe cracked a small smile.

The lights in the drive in movie started to dim, and Sage turned to see that the screen had turned on.

"We'll see you guys after the movie." Sage said, waving them goodbye before Rafe and Sage went back to their previous position.

"So do you like them?" Sage asked, keeping her eyes on the screen. Rafe looked over at her, but she wouldn't turn her gaze away from her favorite movie, Pulp Fiction.

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