[10] Betrayed

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TW//homophobia, fight

It had been a few weeks since Dream got kicked out by his mom. He hadn't heard anything from neither his mom or dad since. He was very grateful for George having his back once again. A few days of Dream staying at George's house they moved to the guest room that was bigger then George's old room. George told his mom they didn't need another bed since they could just stay together since they always did that anyways. Dream had ordered the same closet that George already had and when it arrived they put them next to each other so it looked nice and clean. Dream and George had decorated their room with blue and green colours. Blue for George since that's the colour he can see best. Green for Dream because that's his favourite colour and that's the colour of Dreams minecraft skin. A few days after they settled into the room they had school again, there was some kind of break that both of them didn't really care about why it was there. They just enjoyed it. Dream got along really well with George's mom so it all went great. The kissed they shared on Dreams first night staying there was not brought up again, but constantly on both of their minds.

Dream and George walked into the school cafeteria after their short break. They were excited to see all their friends again. They walked to their normal spot and sat down waiting for their friends. "Excited for school?" Dream asked with a slight smile as he sat next to George. "Why would I be?" George asked as he raised an eyebrow. "For me?" Dream said as he faked a sad face. "You always get me excited-" George stopped as he widened his eyes. "Oh god I-I didn't mean that- I meant it's more fun with you at school" George tried to explain himself but it was to late. Dream was wheezing as he tried to stay stable on the chair. "You- you-" Dream tried to speak but the laughing made it quite hard. George was blushing a lot, he felt so embarrassed by what he just said. Maybe because there was some truth to it? "Shut up Dream" George said as he rolled his eyes. "Okay okay" Dream said as he let out a deep breath trying to stop laughing. "Jezus I don't know why that was so funny to me" Dream said with a huge smile on his face.

George loved seeing Dream smile and be happy, George let out a sigh as he looked into Dreams eyes. Dream looked back and just smiled. "What?" Dream said softly "I just really like seeing you happy" George said in the same tone as Dream, his smile widened. "You make me happy." Dream said as he took George's hand. Their moment got interrupted by Sapnap jumping on the table "Hey love birds! I'm back!" He said loudly as he laughed. Karl pulled him off the table shaking his head at Sapnap. Dream and George laughed at them. "Hello to you too" George said with a smile, George wasn't gonna lie, seeing Karl and Sapnap together was hard. Knowing they found each other so early made him.. jealous. He wanted that, he needed that. And now it has been weeks since his birthday and still nothing. It was starting to bum him out. Karl snapped his fingers in front of George's face. George snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Karl. "Uhh- yes? Sorry." George said while letting out a dry chuckle. "We were just talking about what we're gonna do for Dreams special birthday since it's getting quite close" Karl said with a smile. "I don't know, whatever he wants a fine." George said with a smile as he turned to Dream noticing they were still holding hands. Oh how he wished Dream would be his soulmate. It could never happen, yes they had kissed- twice. But it doesn't mean anything, the first time was without consent and the second time was when Dream was an emotional wreck.

George shook the thought from his head as the bell rang telling them they need to get to class. They all stood up grabbing their bags. "See you at lunch George!" Dream said as he got pulled away by Sapnap. George smiled and waved at him. Karl looked at George and smiled. "You like him right?" He suddenly asked as they walked to class. There was no lying to Karl, he would see right through it. "Yes Karl. I do." George said with a sigh. "Then make a move George." Karl said as he patted his back. "I can't Karl, he's straight." George said as he sat down in the classroom with Karl. "How do you know that? Maybe he just isn't out yet? Sapnap is still not out but we managed to get together." Karl spoke softly to George. "I just don't wanna get my hopes up. But maybe you're right, you can't tell anyone I told you this but- when Dream moved in, we kissed. We haven't spoken about it since but it's been on my mind constantly Karl." George admitted after so long of keeping it in. "Moved in? Kissed? Why do I only get to hear this now?" Karl said and acted a little offended which he obviously wasn't. He was just trying to lighten the mood. "Tell me everything" Karl added now in a serious tone. "Well it started when..."

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