Chapter Three: Her

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(Johnny's P.O.V)
I woke up on my couch with a terrible migraine and my mouth was killing me, I sat up rubbing my head that felt really sore. Damn I'm really hungover, I get up and look down seeing that my pants were unbuckled and my penis was out. Oh god I hope I didn't try anything with y/n! I looked around trying to see if she was here but there was no sign of her. I went to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and realized I was missing my front tooth no wonder my mouth was in pain, what the hell happened last night? I got undressed, stepping into the shower, I sighed as the warm water ran down my body. I washed my hair than my body, I turned the water off and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my waist. I went into my room looking in my drawers, I pulled a pair of sweatpants out and put them on. I heard a light knock on my door, I'm guessing it was Steveo, I grabbed a black t-shirt from off my floor and put it on. I opened my door, there stood y/n, I smiled at her. "Y/n what are you doing here?" She hands me my Jackass jacket, "I must have took this from you getting out of the cab thinking it was mine, even though I didn't bring a jacket with me." I chuckled, "you want to come inside?"  She smiled and walked in, she sat on the couch, "are you feeling alright?" I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and sat down, "no I'm missing a tooth, my head hurts, and I woke up with my pants unbuckled with my Jim dog hanging out, what the hell happened all I can remember is us talking at the bar?" She started laughing, "oh boy you were wild last night." She told me about how I got wasted and kept feeling her body while we danced, which made me a little embarrassed since I just met her, than about how I got on a table and poured alcohol on myself and smashing it on my head. Also me peeing all over and falling into a shelf of alcohol, that explains why I smelt like beer and piss. I covered my face in embarrassment, "Jesus I'm sorry y/n I mean it's pretty funny but I shouldn't have acted like that on our first date." She wrapped her arm around my neck, giggling. "Don't be sorry it was the most fun I've had in ages, your crazy but I like that," I smiled at her. She stood up walking to the door, "well it was nice meeting you and hanging out with you Knoxville but I'm gonna be leaving tomorrow, to go back home." She smiled at me but her eyes were sad, I frowned and got up, "wha- your leaving tomorrow?" I didn't want her to leave, she was so nice and funny. "Yeah, sadly I actually love it here," I hesitated for a moment, "how about you and Jessica stay here for a few days there's enough room for you guys?" She smiles sweetly, "you'd do that for us?" I walked closer to her, looking at her pretty eyes, "yes I- I just don't want you to leave yet, I want to know you better, you seem like a really nice person y/n." She pulled me into a hug, "thank you so much Johnny, I'll go tell Jessica, she's gonna be so happy." She walked out to her car and drove away. I leaned against the door frame, watching her leave. I can't wait to see her again.

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