The Girl in the Yellow Rain Coat

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A few days later found Sophie leaned against the wall on Dib's bed as said boy was on his desk, the sound of Pencils and paper was all that was heard in the quiet room.

In a way the atmosphere was peaceful considering everything that had happened in the days previous.

Scratch, scratch, scratch...

Dib looked down. 

Pitch stood on his two back legs with his front paws resting on Dib's knees with a look of urgency in his eyes and whined.

"Hey Dib, I think Pitch needs to go outside again." Sophie commented, nugging the boy. "I also want to go this time too."

If she was to be honest the canine wasn't the only one, the Irken was the itching to leave the small room because there was only so much one can do before getting bored out of their minds. The only thing stopping Sophie from leaving before was her current...condition.

He stared at her for a few moments, apparently she passed some sort of test because the next thing she knew Dib was digging into his closet and after a bit he found what he was looking for. 

Dib handed her the bright yellow rain coat and she gave him a look of confusion. "This should be good temporarily until we can think of something better."  

Smart kid. 

She tried on the piece of clothing and flipped the hood up, she felt like Six from a game that she played called Little Nightmares. The sleeves were a bit long which was a good thing because it covered her three fingered hands and the bottom of the coat it self stopping just above her knees.

Sophie made a mental note to find a lighter to complete the outfit.

Later Din would explained that the choice of clothing was all that was availble because the rest in his closet had not been washed in weeks.



Instead of simply standing in the back yard like usial the three found themselves exploring the nearby area, with Dib pointing out each location with his own comments to them and Sophie with the hood of her raincoat up listen with rapid attention while paying close attention to the places shes seen on the show.

Seeing a flyer for jobs near by, she took a few without Dib noticing.

Sophie was holding onto the piece of rope attached to Pitch's collar in a poor attempt at a make shift lease  while said dog was having a field day on the first ever walk, constantly tugging forward and sniffing anything he could get his little nose into.

To Dib it felt nice talking about his own personal opinions without being looked at like an insane person.

"-and this is my Skool," he gestured to the large building behind him.

Sophie looked at the wording of it and Dib already knew the question before she asked. "The founder wasn't that creative in the naming, they named it Skool Elementary School." 

Oh, so that explains it, in this universe that's not surprising.

"My new teachers name is Mis.Bitters and I think she's part nightmare demon because-" and so the day carried on like this. 



By the time they came back it was late.

Around this time nobody would have been home so they were taking the front door but moment Dib took one step inside, he back tracked quickly and shoved the girl and her dog into one of the near by bushes. 

"Oof!" "Sorry! my dad"s home!" He looked around the area, paranoid. "I'll let you in through my window, wait there!"

Sophie could only stare at him blankly through the prickling feelings of thorns stabbing into the exposed areas not covered by the coat.

Screw it, she was keeping this rather he liked it or not.



Professor Membrane, despite not being home that often noticed the subtle changes in his son.

On one of the more rare occasions when he was home, instead of trying to convince his dad of the paranormal or trying to spend time with him, his son would often grab a few fruits along with his meal then lock himself up in his room. Not to mention being more secretive as if he was hiding something...

The professor assumed it to be puberty and that hopefully his son was now give up on his usual antics and to embrace real science. 

He and his daughter Gaz were sitting at the dinner table while the only other seat remained vacant and the sound of the door opening before shutting abruptly was heard.

The purple haired girl payed no mind, eating a spoon full of mash potatos with her beloved Game Slave 1 beside her.

Dib ran by and before his dad could say a single word ran upstairs with a single "hey dad!"  And abruptly shut the door with a click of a lock. 

"Gaz is your bother alright?" Said girl grumbled, "He's more tolerable I guess."

The man sighed, "My poor insane son..."

Later when Dib finally managed to get Sophie and her dog inside, she found out about Dib's avoidance of his family and made him at least spend more time with them then before. And to wash his freaking clothes.

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