Chapter 6 F

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It's become dark. I could have gone home, but I don't want to think about home. My home was getting married to someone else that was not me. I should have just gotten to the hotel. I could have waited to contact him before I went to his home. I could have...What could I have done? Called him? Shouldn't he have called me? I am not thinking straight, everything seems unreal. I can't tell what is real and what is not. I thought we had something. Didn't we? Or was all that just me? 

I look at my feet. I am wearing branded heels I bought in Denmark. They have started to hurt my feet. Looking around, I take in my surroundings. It seems that I have made it into town, there are a lot of people walking by. A droplet of water falls on my nose, spreading a tingling sensation throughout my body. In a matter of seconds, the drizzle of rain turns into a harsh pouring of rain.  Ahead of me, I spot a cafe. Hurriedly, I drag my suitcase with me to the cafe to avoid the rain. 

Inside the cafe, I take in a booth. I didn't realize I was cold until the warmth of the cafe air hits me. I take off my coat and put it next to me. Taking a few napkins, I try to soak the water off my coat so it can be a bit dry. During the process, I accidentally sprinkle some rainwater from the napkin on the person next to my booth. I quickly try to apologize but he dismisses me. He is wearing a designer watch but has his face tucked into his arms that are rest on the table. Seems like I am not the only one having a bad day. His cup of coffee is untouched, probably gotten cold by now. 

 As I sit in the booth, my cell phone beeps in my pocket. When the barista comes to my booth, I ask for a warm cup of water, as my throat feels dry. Not being in the mood, I ignore it until the notification sound keeps ringing. I look at the text messages. It's from the person who I believed to be my friend. 

Hey, Nicole. Where are you?

Please pick up the phone 

I can explain everything

Just tell me where you are

My cell phone starts ringing. I don't decline the call, I just mute it so it won't disturb the people around me. I want all this to go away, but the possibility of that is zero. Why is she calling me after all this time? A wedding takes weeks or even months to put together. Why didn't she call me when I was away? Is there actually a valid reason for what I just witnessed at their house?  On the fifth time, I finish drinking the cup of water and I answer my phone. 

My friend quickly apologizes and asks where I am. I hesitate but eventually let her know where I am at. After a few minutes, she makes an appearance at the cafe. Through the cafe window, snow can be seen starting to fall. The day I fell in love was during the first snow on that same day. Except I didn't fall in love today, instead I am soaking wet and cold at a cafe waiting for a cab. 

"Nicole, I came as soon as I could," My so-called best friend takes a seat in front of me. She is still wearing her formal clothes. 

"Did you know?" I try to ask calmly. 

"I-I" she stutters. 

"Waited for me to be humiliated?" I grit my teeth. 

"No! That's not it. I did know about the wedding but-"

I cut her off, "But never thought you should tell me?!" I raise my voice.

"I am not the one that left, Nicole!" She fights back. 

"You knew why I left! How do you think I feel finding out the love of my life married someone else!"

"It's NOT his fault."

"So it's mine?!"

"He's not the one who left. What did you expect? He wasn't going to wait around for you." 

"He promised he would. He told me HE would." My eyes start to water. Before I left for Denmark, he promised that he would wait. Why would I doubt that?

"You are very selfish to ask that from my brother. He deserves to be happy. Just let him be happy."

A tear escapes and runs down my cheek. I never wanted to go to Denmark. I never had a desire to learn Danish or leave my home. All I wanted was to be with him. I thought he was my forever. Why is that a crime? I feel a rush of heat spread through my body. I believed in his promises. I was blinded by stupidity and held my expectations to what I was told. I thought he wanted to be happy with me. How was I selfish?

I abruptly get up and head towards the door. I turn back just to say, "I also deserve to be happy, NOT just him." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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