Chapter 3 F

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Mornings are always greeted with the scent of a welcoming breakfast. The warmth. The comfort that a familiar bed provides is what I call home. A place I can breathe. The familiarity of pale blue walls with the sunlight coming from the open curtains. I fight my eyelids to stay shut as the sunlight is into the room and rests on my face. 


Alarmed to have the curtains opened, getting up quickly; I glance around the room. I rub my temples as I confirm that this is where I should be. I can not afford to make an unwanted mistake just to let it fall under me and penetrate my life. Looking down at my clothes, I realize my clothes were changed, the sensation of relief hits me as it's the familiar nightwear I wear at night. I don't have much memory of what happened last night, other than the error of accepting to accompany Henry. I glance at the clock. It's 7:30 am. I let out a sigh of relief. Heading toward the kitchen already dressed for work, I find a woman ready with breakfast, "Good morning." Her appearance to the tone of her voice are calculated and ideal. 

"Good morning," I greet her back while tracking down my stuff for work. This woman is one of the few people I trust. More like I have learned to trust her, but she's more than proven to be loyal. 

Nicole looks over to me and speaks in a soft voice, "Your coat, watch, phone, and everything else are at the entrance." She has dark Hazel eyes that match her dark brown hair. Her skin is what is labeled as exotic as she has a dark complexion. Her hair like always is straight, tamed, and neat. 

Before I take a seat at the breakfast table, I ask Nicole, "Did I do anything foolish yesterday?" 

She doesn't look at me, but rather sits down at the table before saying, " Only if you consider drinking ludicrous." 

As always, I take a seat and we eat in complete silence. I don't know what it is, but I feel at peace when I am in her company. There is nothing spontaneous about her, everything is calculated, predictable, and poised. We communicate any misunderstanding, there's always a heads up. It's always been like this. Ever since we met, we keep out of each other's way but, yet, live for each other. 

"Did you open the curtain in my bedroom?" I sip some coffee as I wait for her answer.

She doesn't look up, "I did. I wasn't sure if you were going to take the day off, so I assumed if you weren't you wouldn't want to be late for work." This is why I married her. She's practical, calculative, and reliable. It's like she can read my mind more than a lover could ever. Loyal than any lovestruck girl ever could be. 

"What are you doing this weekend?" I don't look up from my plate. 

"No plans," She doesn't hesitate

"There will be a conference to attend this weekend. Please make sure to pack, we leave Tomorrow."

With her back posture straight and her manners as elegant as can be, she looks up to reply expressionless, "I understand."


As a Lawyer and oldest son of a well-known CEO, everyone wants to know you, be connected to you, and have your favor. Being invited to different events year-round is considered a perk to some people but to me, it so vastly displays the hypocrisy every human hides. They are so willing to throw them myself on the floor as long as it means they have been acknowledged. However, I cannot simply bash everyone who craves my approval. If it weren't for people I would not be here, nor would I have accomplished what I have now. A society is necessary, for people like me to function. 

The driver pulls into the driveway where there happens to be a line of expensive cars waiting to be introduced. Every conference is like this. Important people very much detest parties like this. Important such as people who run society, not people who depend on those people. The needy starts to crave. While some crowds admire our accomplishments there's the other half that is enviously waiting for our downfall. 

"There seems to be a crowd, don't you think?" I speak to Nicole sitting beside me, reading a book. She's the type of person, that rather dismiss something or acknowledge people who are below her importance. I have her to balance my madness of power, there is pure ambition in me. Nicole has always supported that. I know she will stop me if I ever am blinded by irrationality. She's my compliment. 

Nicole lets out a small scoff, "Isn't there always?" 

She's right there's never a dull moment in the life of the affluent. One's destiny is determined from the day we are born. Everyone is waiting to see what we will do and how we will turn out. Will be fail or succeed? Are we perfect or imperfect? We are greeted with a set of nonstop flashing from numerous reporters, journalists, and broadcasters, as our turn comes around the car comes to a stop. I step out of the vehicle to assist Nicole out of the car.  I wave to the crowd and then turn to Nicole, offering her my right arm to escort her, "Shall we?"

She plasters her determined smile and nods. We wave and smile like a happy couple toward the entrance. We enter the ballroom. There was a time when I never desired the time of power I have now. Entering a room and having everyone acknowledge you, is a different type of power others don't have. We are escorted toward the VIP section of the ballroom. 

Classy music played by professional musicians, appetizers, and shiny glasses of champagne, is the life I was born into. Some desire to be part of the opulent world, but if one doesn't know how to walk they will be easily trampled on. Living this life is not to enjoy. This is where people watch you and are ready to target you at your most vulnerable moment. We are enchanted with classical music, a civil environment, where everyone knows how to behave. 

The waiter walking by offers us a drink. The Dalton household is a very well-known owner of several successful toy companies. It's been five years since I've stepped into their mansion. Coming from a respectable family, I grow up with them, in reality, I grow up around this environment, these people. But Nicole didn't. 

I taste the champagne. The trick to drinking is to never over-drink. A simple sip from time to time. In Nicole's case, she chooses to only carry the glass around and pretend to take a sip during conversations. Neither of us, I suppose wants to be reminded of that fact. I belong here, but Nicole doesn't. "It's been a while, since our first time here."

"Really, brings back bittersweet memories," She lowers her eyes, pondering. 

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