Scarlett Johansson

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NSFW alphabet


A- Aftercare - what does she do or how does she act after sexy time

- she is very soft, whispering nothing but sweet things into your ear, telling you, you did a good job.

B- Bondage - is she into BDSM and how far she'll take it

- she's into those Christian grey shit but she'll make sure she's not that rough

C- Cum - pretty self-explanatory

- she always makes sure your the first tone to cum but when's he really needs to then she goes first.

D- Dom - is she dominant, a bottom or a switch

- she definitely a switch

E- Edge Play - similar to kinks but riskier

breathplay. that's it

F- Fantasy - fantasies of hers (Ex: roleplay etc)

- Fingering you during one of her interviews. Maybe yours too.

G- Got caught - how she reacts when you guys get caught having sexy time

- She'll continue to fuck you, looking straight in the eyes to the person who disturbed you both

H- Hot spot - the place that drives her crazy when overstimulated

- Her neck.

I- Intimacy - how romantic she can get or can be before and during sex

- She is very serious in bed, Very loving too

J- Journey - her ideal way leading up to sex

- After dates, red carpets, interviews.

K- Kinks - list of kinks that she has

- praising kink.

L- Location - where she likes doing it, does she like doing it in a risky place, etc.

- she has many favorite spots to have sex in but on top of that is her dressing room

M- Masturbation - how she lets herself off

- She's always too shy to ask you for pictures but she has saved pictures of you on her phone

N- NO - few things she would never agree to in any circumstances

- No whipping, no butt plugs.

O- On's - her top turn on's

- Your ass.

P- Positions - her favorite positions during sex

- Reverse cowgirl, she loves it when your ass bounces on her.

Q- Quickie - does she prefer quickies than real sex

- She prefers both but more on real sex

R- Rough - how rough she can get in bed

- She's only rough when she's jealous

S- Stamina - how long she can get before she crumbles

- 5-7 rounds then she's done.

T- Toys - does she use toys, does she own them, what kind, etc

- Vibrators.

U- Unfair - how often/much she teases you

- She mostly teases you in public or when both of you are around your friends

V- Volume - how loud she can get.

- She is in the medium.

W- Wet - how fast she can get you wet

- Kissing you on your collarbone then there you go.

X- X-ray - how she looks without clothes on

- 9 inches.

Y- Yearn - how often she needs to have sex

- Once a week but twice when she really needs it.

Z- ZZZ - how fast she falls asleep after sexy time

- She will always make sure your the first one to fall asleep then she would just catch up.



ill do a Natasha Romanoff later after class

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