Natasha Romanoff

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"Guess who we found" Steve started as he entered the living room which was connected to the kitchen where you could find a Natasha Romanoff munching on a peanut butter sandwich.

"if its the person who ate my food which I wrote my name on, then you've got my attention, if its not, don't even bother telling me who." She replied still munching on her sandwich. "It's Y/n, the girl who worked for hydra and which you tried to kill but got away from you" Steve exclaimed as he sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen.

"You have got to be kidding me, was my threat not good enough for her to kill herself?" Natasha groaned as she crossed her arms.
"You say that as if you don't have a massive crush on her" Steve said.

"It's because I don't!"
"You're hard to believe, Romanoff"

"Where is she? I like to believe she came back so I can kill her myself." Natasha stood up from her chair and went to get a glass of water. "She's in one of the viewing rooms, Tony's there so you'll just see which." Tasha went to the second floor of the building where rooms where you could interview people like Y/n without getting killed.

"What a sight right, Romanoff? Your little girl toy all tied up on a chair" Tony chuckled as he looked through the window of your viewing room. "Now, you just sound like a pedophile." Natasha replied while opening the door of your room.

"Ah, my favorite girl in the whole wide world" You smiled as you looked up to see your crush who is also your murderer, cute right?

"Where the hell have you been?" Natasha said as she slammed the door shut, "Riding a horse in the netherlands, maybe also trying to get my life back together. What do you think?"

"Listen here you little shit, Im way to sober for you to play joke time on me. Have a serious conversation with me or Ill strangle you."

"Im trying to secretly avoid this conversation and to be honest with you, I don't mind being strangled." You replied, which just made her even more annoyed

"Don't let her get into your nerves, Romanoff, thats your little crush in front of you, so take it easy." Tony exclaimed through the sound system in the room. "Aw, Im your little crush? Im flattered, don't worry I like you too" you smiled at her, a hint of pink creeping up on your cheeks

"No you don't" she replied sitting on one of the vacant chairs in front of you. "Hm, you're right, but it just seemed like that was the part of our conversation where I should say it."

Natasha sighed and looked down, only to see a slash on your thigh, she raised an eyebrow and looked at you, you looked at her and raised an eyebrow as well, she rolled her eyes and pointed at the wound, "You're bleeding." She said

"Oh! This friend of yours thought it was a nice idea to slash my thigh, I don't know if he's jealous that his thighs ain't soft like mine or I looked like a threat to him." You exclaimed, chuckling a little bit trying to ignore the pain that you were getting from it.

Natasha stood up and went to one of the cabinets that was in there and grabbed the first aid kit, she grabbed a fresh cloth so she could clean your wound and patch it all up for you.

"Wow, never would I have thought the almighty, Natasha Romanoff, who also has a crush on me, would care for me so much that she would clean up the mess her friend made on me."

She rolled her eyes for like the millionth time, "I just hate the sight of blood, you know?"

"Mhm, don't take this badly, but I think 'assassin' might be the wrong career for you." You replied, feeling relieved as she cleaned up your wound, feeling less pain from earlier.

She smiled and shook her head slightly before finishing bandaging you up. She looked up at you and observed you features quietly

"I don't know if my heart is beating so fast because you're staring up at me like that or Im terrified." You said, but secretly your heart was definitely beating fast because she was staring up at you like that.

"You look exactly the same as you did 6 years ago," Natasha exclaimed still staring at your face.

"Well, I do have a really good skincare routine."
"And you're much more annoying than you were 6 years ago."

"Why are you still even here, Natasha? Didn't you try to kill me?" You said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was, but still

"And didn't Tony just confess my little crush on you? I care for you, idiot, you disappeared for 6 years, Im not letting you leave me again." She replied to you as she leaned back on her chair.

"Do you actually like me or is this like a hostage situation."
"Depends on how you look at it."

"Ill go with hostage situation." You nodded your head, natasha leaned closer to you, "Right now I don't know if I want to kiss you or slit your throat."

"Can I choose which?" You replied, without a warning Natasha grabbed your face and pulled you into a kiss, and man, that kiss made you go crazy. Fireworks started to burst inside your body, it was like the most mind blowing thing a girl could ever experience

Natasha pulled away, "Was that enough to convince you?"

"Wow, do it again." She smiled and leaned in to you to kiss you again, if you only you could stay like that forever.

It was all so sweet until you both heard Tonys voice in the sound system again, "Okay, Romanoff, get out of there before you start to suck her face off."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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