Chapter 1

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May 28, 1976 1:05 pm-

Well...about an hour or so before that...

I pulled up to the school early hoping to see my cousin like he promised but of course he wasn't here. I saw more people pulling up but still didn't see the bright orange car that I was looking for. A half hour had gone by and by now my hair was up in a bun because this Texas heat was really getting to me. I just wasn't used to it I mean I'm used to the ocean breeze from the east coast. Now I know what you're thinking why wait for him? It's the last day of school I should be heading inside. Well...Thanks to my loving parents, its the last day of school for them but the first and last day for me since they decided to move a week before school lets out for the summer. Finally I see the car pull up and it's now 12:30...He sees me and pulls up next to me and gets out. He and his girlfriend walk over to me with smiles plastered on their faces. Great they're high as shit and they didn't for me.

"Hey little cousin." Kev said giving me a kiss on my forehead. Michelle smiled at me and gave me a hug. Okay, yes THE Kevin Pickford is my cousin. I know crazy right?

"You're lateeeee" I sang to him elbowing him lightly and smiling at him. I jumped down from my tailgate and pulled my hair out of my bun letting the breeze blow it out.

"I always forget how long your hair is and how curly it is. I just love it so much." Michelle said playing with it.

"Yeah having curly hair from root to end and a lot of it is hard to manage and not to mention hot as fuck with this heat." Kev just laughed at me while Michelle moved over to sit on the tailgate of my truck. She pulled out a joint lighting it and handing it to me which I gladly accepted. I took a few hits before handing it over to Kev.

"Well since we're here now why don't we get you checked in real quick while people are still pulling up and then we can come back alright?" Kev said handing Michelle the joint.

"Yeah sure."

"You mind hangin' out here for a few while I go help her?" He asked Michelle. She nodded her head yes and grabbed my hand before we walked off.

"I'm really glad that we get to have you here. You've been so much fun to be around this past week and now we get to go to school together next year!" She said smiling at me. Awweeeeee I knew I loved his girlfriend for a reason!!

"Awe of course!" I gave her a hug and then walked into the school with Kev heading to the office. We walked in and he got me checked in and handed me the papers I was gonna need for today. When we walked back outside a lot more people had shown up. And everyone that was outside was staring at me and Kev.

"Oh this is gonna be fun." I said dreading today.

"You'll be fine. Everyone is gonna know you by the end of the day. Especially with my party tonight." Kev said trying to reassure me. We finally got back over to Michelle who was sitting with some guy in overalls.

"Kev man what's good? Who is this beautiful specimen?" He asked eyeing me.

"This," he said pulling me into his side, "Is my cousin Braelynn Kane Pickford. She just moved here and is gonna go to school with us next year, but her parents wanted her to come to school with us today."

"Well Braelynn, my name is Don. Don Dawson." He said getting up and shaking my hand. He was cute I'll admit but I could tell he was one of the popular guys here which means he got a lot of girls. That's not for me.

"Nice to meet you Don." I said smiling at him.

"Hey man I gotta run but I'll see you later. 9:30 right?"

"9:30 man. You better be there." Kev said giving his big cheesy smile. Lord I love him but he is so stupid.

Pink's POV:

Simone and I were sitting on the bed of my El Camino when I saw Pickford walk out of the school with some girl I had never seen before. And man was she perfect. She had long brown curly hair and I mean it was long. I've never seen a girl have hair all the way down to her ass before.

"Hey are you listening?" Simone said snapping me back into reality.

"Uhh no sorry what was it?"

"I said that girl needs to watch what she's doing. We all know Michelle doesn't like random girls around Kev like that."

"I'm sure there's a reason." I said rolling my eyes. Simone is always starting drama or stirring it up and it's getting annoying. I looked up and saw Kev walking over to us with Michelle and the girl.

"Hey man," he said as we did our handshake. I looked over and saw the girl and Michelle whispering something and laughing.

"Who's this?" I asked nodding my head at her. She stopped laughing and just looked at me and I swear at that moment it was like I was in a daze. She was beautiful with her long curly hair and light brown eyes. Her smile was so pretty and her laugh was just perfect. I must be high as shit or this girl is just a blow up doll or something.

"This is my cousin Braelynn. She just moved here and is gonna go to school with us next year. I'm showing her around the school today so she can get a feel for it for when she joins us next year." He said pulling her into his side.

"Oh sick man. Hey I'm Randall Floyd," I said reaching out to shake her hand, "But everyone either calls me Randy or Pink after-"

"After Pink Floyd." She said taking my hand. "Yeah I've seen them in concert a couple times. I even went backstage at their last show in Raleigh."

"Oh shit! Really? That's so cool!" Suddenly I heard a cough come from next to me and looked over to see Simone with an annoyed look on her face. Oh right... "Oh this is Simone my-"

"His girlfriend." She said cutting me off and shaking Braelynn's hand. Why does she have to be a bitch all the time. I rolled my eyes and got up letting her know I was heading inside. Kev and the girls walked off ahead leaving Simone and I.

"Why did you have to do that?" I said to her.

"Do what?" She asked. Oh as if she doesn't know.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You will just never like the fact that I have friends that are girls and that I was actually getting along with her. She's Kevin's cousin. She just got here and doesn't know anyone. I was trying to be nice and be a friend."

"She rubs me the wrong way. I don't like her."

"Simone you don't even know her." By now I've had enough and just don't even wanna listen to her anymore. "You know what. I've had enough. I'm tired of hearing all the constant shit you and Darla like to stir up around school. And not to mention I know about you and O'Bannion. Might I say you are gross for that one. We're done I don't wanna deal with this anymore." I just walked away from her leaving her alone. I finally felt free. I walked over to Kev and the girls who were waiting for me and pulled Braelynn aside asking if I could talk to her as we were walking into the building.

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