Chapter 5

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Pink's POV:

We rolled up to Pick's house and got out seeing his mom in the driveway putting things in the back of the car.

"Hey Mrs. Pickford." I said as we walked up the driveway.

"Hi guys. Oh hey Braelynn." She said giving the girl a hug.

"Hey Aunt Giselle. It's good to see you." Brae said holding Mrs. Pickford tight.

"How was school honey?" Mrs. Pickford asked as they parted.

"It was alright. Weird that it was my first day and the last day of school all in one."

"I bet you buys are happy schools out huh." Mrs. Pickford said turning to us.

"Oh yeah! We got our report cards today." Slater said as happy as could be.

"How'd you do?"

"Straight A's for both of us." She just gave us a small smile knowing that we were completely lying to her.

"Big trip?" I asked.

"Oh it's just for this weekend. Hey Brae when you get home tell your dad to call us when we get back Sunday night. Your uncle won't stop talking about why he hasn't called yet."

"Uhh probably because they don't completely get along. But I will definitely do that for you."

"Alright well you guys go run inside. Kevin is up there somewhere." We walked inside and went straight to his room where he and Michelle were smoking. Slate and I sat on the bed while Brae went over to sit next to Michelle who had moved over to the window seat. They started talking about the hazing and how it went today. Kev handed Slater a joint and a lighter saying it was a sample of what he had.

"Fifteen bucks fellas." He said handing Slate a big bag of weed.

"Hey can you spot me ten and I'll pay you back on like Tuesday or some shit?" He said looking at me. I pulled out the only money I had left in my pocket and handed it to Pick. Suddenly we heard a knock on the door and his mom's voice. Kev and I got up running around trying to mask the smell when we suddenly heard his dad's voice. He opened the door to see both his parents standing there.

"Hey dad, mom." He said as his dad gave him a knowing look. "What's up?"

"Did you order some kegs of beer?" His dad asked.

"Uhh no why?"

"Well there's a fella downstairs that says otherwise." He told his parents to hang on and shut the door. He walked over to the window and stood back up walking over to his dad who was now in the room with his arms crossed over his chest.

"He said I ordered a keg of beer?"

"Yeah he said it was to be delivered to this address."

"Huh okay well that's kinda weird. I'll go down there and see what's going on."

"Hey wait Uncle Frank." Brae said standing up. "I ordered the kegs. I gave them this address since I don't really know mine yet. I wanted to throw a party since today was kinda my first day at school." She said walking over to stand next to Kevin. "I just wanted to fit in."

"Kevin go downstairs and see what this is about." He said ushering Kev out the door and down the stairs. We walked over to the window to see what was going on.

"Honey start unpacking. We aren't going anywhere." I heard Kev's dad say. We saw him come back up the stairs madder than ever.

"That motherfucker. How could he be so stupid. Coming an hour and a half early? Ugh he's an idiot." He said pacing back and forth.

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