Chapter 15

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Pink's POV:

"Floyd! Dawson! Get your asses over here now." Coach said as he parked his truck.

"Goodmorning Coach." Don said as we got in front of him. He just sat there for a second looking between the two of us.

"Why in the hell am I getting a wake up call from the cops?" He asked finally breaking the awkwardness that was building.

"It was a false alarm Coach." I told him starting to walk away.

"Randy you get your ass back over here." I turned around and walked up to his window.

"You been out with those losers all night?" Just as he asked Slater yelled at him saying hi. This made him cringe a little before continuing whatever lecture he was trying to give me. "That's what I'm talkin' about son. Trouble like this means nothin' to them. You the one with somethin' to lose. And is that Danny Pickford's daughter? You dragged her out here and let her be around them?"

"Okay but Coach you don't know them. You can't say that about them. And she happened to have made that choice on her own."

"Alright boy look. I'm willing to let all of this go but I want you to get your priorities straight. Quit hangin' around them and sign your commitment to your damn team. Have you done it?"

"No Coach, I'm still thinkin' about it." He then started yelling at me telling me that I needed to just do it. And that's when I snapped, but before I could get a word out I heard Brae start talking.

"You know sir you can't force him to sign anything he doesn't want to right?" She asked coming to stand next to me and Don.

"And who said this concerned you?" He asked giving her an attitude.

"First off I suggest you watch the way you speak to me. And second it does concern me when you got my boyfriend out here making choices he shouldn't have to." Coach went to start speaking again when Brae just cut him off not giving him a chance. "Now listen here. The more you push this boy to do something he doesn't want to do, the more you are pushing him in the opposite direction of where you want him to be. You want him to play for you next year, then you let him do it on his terms. Ain't no reason why he shouldn't be allowed to do what he wants to when he is not on the field playing for you. He's been the best quarterback this school has had in years and you makin' him do something he doesn't wanna do is only gonna make you lose him." She grabbed the paper out of my hand and held it out for Coach to take. "Here. He will play for you next year, and so will the other boys on the team. But it will be on their terms not anyone else's. Is that understood. Sir?" She just stood there smiling at him. We all knew at this point that she had won that battle and the war.

"Fine." He said taking the paper from her. "Floyd you had better stay outta trouble this summer you understand me." Brae walked off as coach started his truck. "Oh and Randy." He said looking back up at me.

"Yeah Coach what is it?" This is where he tells me I'm off the team.

"You keep that girl around." Wait what? "She can hold a good argument like her daddy can. You keep her around. I like her." He said smiling at me and winking. He put his car in drive and was off out of the parking lot. I turned around looking at Brae who was already looking at me, probably wondering why I was still talking to him. I just smiled at her and walked up to her and picked her up spinning her around leaving kisses all over her face.

"Okay Pink, okay! You can put me down now!" She said laughing and trying to hide her face. I set her down and she just looked at me. "What was that for?"

"Uhh Coach just pretty much threw the agreement out the window because of you. And then he told me to keep you around and that he likes you. And he smiled at me! Coach hasn't done that since I started on the team." I told her.

"Well good! I'm glad!" She said hugging me.

"Alright shit man I'm catching my third wind. Let's get on the road." Wood said. Oh shit the tickets! Don and Shavonne said they weren't gonna go so I handed Shavonne my keys letting her take Donny home. I saw Brae walking over to her car and ran after her.

"Hey did you wanna come with?" I asked as I got over to her.

"Yeah I just gotta stop by my house and let my parents know what I'm doing." She smiled at me.

"Okay if you want we can meet you at your house and then head out there so you don't have to drive." She just nodded her head and said okay giving me a quick kiss and getting in her car heading home.

Brae's POV:

Pink is lucky he is cute because I am tired as hell right now. But I know all I need to do is get some coffee and I'll be awake. I pulled up in the driveway and opening the garage door and putting my girl back in there to sit until I decided to drive her again. I opened my door and was greeted with my parents.

"Braelynn you know you were supposed to be home before 8am right?" I heard my dad say as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Yeah daddy I know and I'm sorry it won't happen again. Some of my friends got into some trouble and I wanted to make sure they were okay first." I tried explaining without giving too much away.

"Alright baby just be careful. How was it?" We walked back into the kitchen and I grabbed myself a cup of coffee which instantly made me feel better. I sat down at the table with him and explained everything and how much fun I had. But I made sure to leave out the part about the man with the gun. My dad just sat there laughing with me and just making it nice to be able to talk to him about all of it. This is the one thing that I really love about my parents. They give me freedom and allow me to go out and be out late with my friends, but it wasn't always like this. When everything first happened with that guy back home, my parents were very reluctant to let me out anywhere.

A few months had passed and when I started to show with my bump my dad sat me down and talked to me. I mean REALLY talked to me. About everything...somehow that talk made him think that keeping me in the house was the wrong thing to do and told me to go wherever I wanted as long as I told him what time I would be home by and who I was going to be with. When they decided to move here they told me they didn't care if I went out because they knew I was always gonna be with Kev since he and I were so close. But now that I have awesome friends already they know I'll be okay wherever I go especially since it is a small town.

I went upstairs to change my clothes finally settling on some boyfriend jeans and a tshirt. When I came back down I saw Pink standing in my foyer talking to my dad. What the?

"Hey sorry. I knocked on the door and your dad answered. I just asked him if it was alright if you came with us to get the tickets and he said it was okay as long as we got some breakfast." Pink said smiling at me. I just smiled back and said okay grabbing my purse and kissing my mom and dad bye before going to leave.

"Hey hang on there girl." My dad said stopping me. I told Pink I would be out in a second and to go ahead and go to the car. "So what's the deal with that young man?" I just rolled my eyes and playfully hit him.

"Dad don't think too much into this please?"

"Is he the one you were telling me about?" My mom asked poking her head out from the kitchen.

"It may be." I said not being able to contain my happiness.

"Hmm. Well I like him. He's a good kid and he plays football which is a bonus." My dad said laughing at me and kissing my forehead. "Just be careful kiddo. Oh and here." He handed me some money and hugged me. "For the ticket and whatever else you need. Now go have fun and be careful. I love you."

"Thanks daddy love you too! Oh and Uncle Frank asked if you could call him." My dad sighed and rolled his eyes. "Dad it won't hurt to just give him a call. He is your brother after all."

"Alright, alright I'll call him. But only for you." He said pointing at me. I waved at my parents saying bye and then ran over to Wooderson's car hopping in the back and we were on the road to Houston.

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