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"That's enough," Taehyung sighed and grabbed her wine glass, stopping her from drinking it. Jisoo has already finished a lot of alcohol glasses ever since they entered the night club. They stayed at the bar counter because she wanted to drink.

"Noooo! I want more!" she whined. She tried to get back the wine glass but Taehyung would not let her reach it.

"It's not good whenever you are drunk. A proven fact, so stop it already," he said with conviction before putting the wine glass on the countertop and pushing it away from her.

Jisoo glared at him and started hitting his arm, "Why the hell can't you just let me do what I want?! I said I want more! So give me more!" she complained.

He closed his eyes trying to contain his temper and massaged his temple, "No. That's final," he uttered before looking at her and clicked his tongue, "You know what? I'm just bringing you back there so you can go home already," he added exasperatedly.

Her eyes widened and she moved farther away from him, "No! I'm not going back there! Are you dumb?! You saw what happened right?! Then you are bringing me back there? Come on!" her words are already slurry, clearly the effect of alcohol on her.

"Right, right... I'm not letting him near you, you just need to go home, okay? I know you wouldn't want me to bring you home so we'd just go there and search for your father and make him send you home," he explained slowly, which Jisoo still didn't entertain.

"No! I don't want to go home yet!" she mumbled and crossed her arms over her chest, puffing her cheeks.

"Jisoo..." Taehyung said softly, starting to get tired and irritated but she ignored him.

She stood up and walked around the bar. She looked misplaced with her elegant gown in a crowd full of partying people. Taehyung is silently following her behind, making sure that she's not doing something that will put her in danger. He shook his head when he needed to catch her and helped her when she almost fell in her heels while walking wobbly.

They reached the rooftop area of the bar where only a few people were hanging around. Jisoo just went here without thinking straight, she just found her feet dragging her there and Taehyung had no choice but to keep an eye on her.

She went to the railings and when she reached it, Taehyung was shocked that she started her attempt of climbing on it. He rushed towards her and hastily pulled her away and far from it. Jisoo had her eyes droopy and was clearly out of her mind.

He held her shoulders lightly and made her face him, "What the hell woman?! What are you thinking?! Why are you climbing there?! It's dangerous are you really—" he wasn't able to finish his sentence when she lifted her head, crying.

"W-why... Why are you c-crying?" Taehyung was taken aback that he stuttered.

He stared at her, he didn't even know how to comfort a crying lady!

"I'm so tired of this," Jisoo whispered and she slumped on the floor, her knees weak. She covered her face and sobbed, "I have no freedom, they just want to control me, all my life. I have to live up with my name just because I am his daughter. I needed to be perfect and he made the decisions for me. Then my dad forced me to Suho and Suho is a crazy obsessive freak!"

"He almost harassed me one time and he hits me whenever I don't follow him. I never told anyone about it and I did my best to escape him so I left our house. They just won't listen and my parents think I am this ungrateful brat, running away from home without knowing what I've been through. Until now, I cannot tell them... I was scared of what would happen," Jisoo tried her best to wipe her flowing tears but her eyes just won't stop pouring everything out.

"I only have my career now, where I feel free. The path that I can say that I chose myself and then suddenly... Everything went upside down. Even my career was falling apart. What do I have now, then?!" she cried louder and bowed down her head.

Maybe it was the alcohol that has pushed her to confess everything. The pent up feelings have become too much that it burst out tonight.

Taehyung couldn't find any words to comfort her. He couldn't believe what he had heard. He just slowly kneeled beside her. He hesitated to touch her shoulders for comfort until their eyes met when Jisoo looked at him.

"Ssshhh," he wiped her tears. He still can't come up with words so he just tried to stop her tears from falling.

"Hush now," he whispered and stared at her eyes. Jisoo suddenly jumped to his arms and hugged him while still crying.

Taehyung held her in his arms and softly caressed her back. She buried her face on his chest and stayed there. No one is speaking between them, not even minding that they are in an open space.

That night, Jisoo didn't look like the fierce, attractive model who caught his attention the first time he laid his eyes upon her.

That night, she looked like a pouring storm, her thunders roaring in between her cries.

And somehow... he just fell deeper.

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