Chapter 4 - Needle and Thread

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"I'm gonna give you my honest opinion. I don't know whether your life excels or sucks." Ella sighed in the weird distorted voice the phone speaker gave her.

"I agree," D laughed.

I had just told them the entire story of what happened and unsurprisingly, they were very confused.

"Oh shit!" I jumped, realising the time.

I had to be at Zara in twenty minutes. But I was still in my pjs and the drive took ten minutes.

"Got to go guys! Have fun at school!" I said quickly, hanging up the phone and throwing it on my bed.

I quickly picked an outfit. I chose my Danielle Cathari Track pants in blue, a white Ganni blouse, a pale yellow blazer, a pair of Lucid socks and some nikes to complete the look. Then I quickly washed my face and put on some makeup. I left my hair down because I didn't have time to put it up. I then grabbed my bag and phone and rushed out of the door. I ran down the stairs to my apartment, grabbing a muesli bar out of my bag on the way down. I jumped in my car and glanced at the time as I started it.

9:47. I had thirteen minutes to get my ass to Zara before I was late. Which also meant I had gotten ready in seven. I think that's a new record. But there was no time to waste! I had to be on time.

I turned on the radio and started to drive out of the carpark.

...and today we have a song from the rising star, Ruel!

Painkiller started blasting out from the speakers as I struggled to turn it down. I had completely forgotten I had my windows down and the people on the sidewalk were giving me weird looks. I felt so relieved that I wasn't anywhere near Ruel or Zara, because then I would've looked severly obsessed.


I got to Zara two minutes early and I went straight to the secretary.

"Hi! My name is Brianna Wilson and I'm just here to pick up my schedule if you don't mind?" I said politely.

"Oh no not at all! Here you are," she smiled and handed me the piece of paper.

"Thank you so much! Have a lovely day," I smiled back.

"You too love!"

I walked away and sat down on a seat nearby to check my schedule. It looked a little like this:

10:00am - Meeting with Renee

10:15am - Design practice

11:30am - Lunch break

12:30pm - Coco fitting

1:30pm - Ruel fitting

2:30pm - Finish

Okay, not too bad for a first proper day. But what was a design practice? I suppose I'd find out, but I had to get to that meeting.


I knocked gently on Renee's door.

"Come in!" she called out warmly. "Oh hello Bri! Come have a seat."

I obeyed and sat in a chair in front of her desk.

"First off, I would just like to say I'm so sorry that you didn't get to do too much yesterday. The meeting went for a lot longer than we expected. But I suppose based off of the pictures on instagram you got to know the Van Dijks a little bit better?" she winked.

"I did, those fan girls are everywhere." I sighed and she laughed.

"Yes, indeed they are. Anyway, I just wanted to quickly explain where you need to go and things and you can be off."

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