Chapter 25 - I killed her. I think.

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Maddie's POV

I finally did it. I killed her. I think. But why do I feel so bad about it? She deserved it. She deserved every bit of pain that car gave her. She always had everything, I had nothing. Everyone loved her. She was the perfect best friend. The one that all the guys loved, the one all the people would talk to, the one who got straight As, the one who was head of the cheerleading squad. But she had daddy issues. And every time she had a mean daddy episode I always had to come over and comfort her. It didn't matter what I was doing, or if it was actually important, all that mattered was her and is SHE was okay. And of course nobody cared about whether the ugly irrelevant best friend was okay, because I was just the ugly irrelevant best friend. And then once I think I finally have my shit together, getting an internship with a famous family, moving somewhere different, even getting a guy who I thought was interested in me, she had to stride in and ruin everything. She stole him. She stole him from me.  And surprise surprise, a month after she starts dating him he goes missing. And that, that is why she deserved to die.

This wasn't how I was planning to kill her. I was going to 'accidentally' do it somehow when I got the chance. Okay, maybe I did end up doing that. But it was perfect. She was running across the road, and I was driving away from this ugly meadow. I just ran over her, and left. And if anyone asks, I would say 'I'm so sorry! I didn't see her!'. It's not like she could go against me, she's dead. Or even is she isn't, she didn't even know I was the one who ran her over. 

And then, the worst thing I could imagine possible happened. Or maybe not the worst thing, but something pretty bad. Renee posted this on her facebook:

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to ask for your prayers, one of our former interns, Brianna, just got hit by a car. She is in the operation room right now and they don't know whether she is going to be okay. Please pray for her to be okay.

She wasn't dead. Yet. I had to kill her. Somehow. And then it hit me. How I would kill her. If the surgery didn't of course.


I literally hate this chapter with a passion. But I had to give you an insight into Maddie's thinking. Even if it sucked lol.

As always have an awesome day everyone!


Quote of day

I can't think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.

- Emma Stone

Word Count: 473

Seen - Ruel Van Dijk (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now