Reunion at the Door

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The girl gets a knock on her door as she finishes unpacking her final box. Lisa had just moved in to a small apartment after 'moving' out of her parents place. She quickly runs to her door, opens it, and is greeted with a surprise.

"Lisa!" A boy with brown hair and green emerald eyes squeals. He immediately gives her a huge bear hug that takes the breath out of her. When lets go, she smiles a bright smile. "I haven't seen you in a while! Seeing you in person is obviously better than Skype."

Eren laughs a little. "Definitely." He then asks, "Can I come in?" Lisa smiles and nods, stepping out of the way to let Eren through into the very near and clean apartment. When he looks around, there are 2 rooms, one that definitely looks like a room for Lisa, and the other, a room just with a few boxes that looks like a storage area. A kitchen connects to the living room that you see right when you enter the apartment, and a single bathroom connects to the hallway.

"Looks exactly like mine, only different stuff in it," he chuckles. Lisa comes up from behind him and shoves him a little. "So?? What does that matter huh? Still a decent size for a broke girl like me. All of my savings went into this," she sighs.

Lisa knew she had been saving for college for a few years, but.. something unfortunate happened and that money disappeared. All of her college savings were gone within a day. So for 4 years she lived off of her own money, but was under her parents roof. She didn't have a car, thus she walked, and she only had a smartphone to keep her occupied. It took her 4 years to save up for a apartment. That is more than the average person would take.

"So you have any money left?" Eren asked with a worried tone. He knew she hasn't been the best financially lately. He had always wanted to help her, but she refused. Fortunately she nodded. "I have enough to get simple stuff to eat. Like maybe a few TV dinners, fruit and stuff.. I do already have the things that I need here. I just need a job and I'll be set."

Eren thinks for a second before he widens his eyes. "Ah! I could actually try to get you a position at the coffee shop across the street! They need someone to stand at the front and prepare the coffee! You know how to make coffee right?"

Lisa nods. "Yeah. Even though I'm not much of a fan of coffee," she chuckles. "Coffee is easy."

"Awesome! I'll let you know about it when I get home tomorrow from work," he smiles brightly and gives her another hug. "Welcome to the apartment!" He says as he pulls away. Lisa nods and smirks. "Thank you!"


It was late at night, and Lisa decided to check out her balcony. When she steps out, a cool breeze brushes against her skin and she smiles a little. However, she is greeted by a smoke puff in her face. She coughs a little and glances over to her left. A young man leans on the railing, smoking a cigarette. His steel colored eyes are narrowed, staring forward and his short undercut hair is blowing a little in the breeze.

When another puff of smoke blows in her face because of the wind, she coughs again, causing the man to glance over at her. He widens his eyes slightly and sighs. "Sorry about that.." he says as he puts out the cigarette, then flicks the cigarette butt off of the balcony, making it hit the sidewalk 5 stories below.

Lisa shakes her head. "It's fine." The man nods and is about to walk back inside but stops in his tracks. "I feel like you look familiar.. Are you.. Lisa?"

She turns back to look and him and nods. "Yeah..? Why?"

"I'm Levi.. Ackerman? Do you remember me?" He asks. Lisa thinks back in her head then widens her eyes. "L-Levi?! L-Like the Levi who I haven't seen in 10 years? That Levi?!"

"It would seem so.." he smirks.
A/N: So?? How do you like it?! Is it good or bad?! XD I never really do love triangle stuff. Meh first time!

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