Famous Phrase

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Lisa was still shocked that her childhood friend is actually her neighbor. She found it oddly ironic, but was really happy about it. Levi Ackerman. The guy with the attitude. The guy who likes to make many shit references. The guy with the famous phrase, in Lisa's head anyway, if you were taking a long time doing something, "You look like you were taking a long dump."

"So," he starts as he leans back in the railing of his balcony. "What have you been up to for these past 10 years?"

"Not much honestly. Heh.. I've had financial problems and couldn't go to college because my money just 'disappeared'. So I've been pretty great. What about you?"

Levi sighs and shakes his head. "I remember how hopeless you are sometimes. Anyway, after HighSchool, I went to college and got a masters degree. Not so sure what to do with it yet.. So, I work at a place not too far from here, Nd live with my roommate from college. Eren."

Lisa widens her eyes. "Heh.. Eren Jeager?"

"Hm..? Yeah. Do you know him?" He asks. He is curious about the whole thing. Wondering why she moved here, in this neighborhood of all places, in this apartment, and why she seemed so.. different. Levi had known her since they were kids. She was always the very spunky and sassy one who sometimes got on his last nerve.

"Levi!! Or could I call you Heichuu!!?? Like from that story book we read together?" The little 5 year old squeals. "I don't care. And it's Heichou. Not Heichuu." the boy chuckles. They ran around the backyard in a relatively small neighborhood. Levis parents were out somewhere while Lisa was just staying for a short time. All the time the two kids would play. Sometimes they would play Titan tag. The Scout, being the hero, or the tagger, would try to catch the Titan, or the one who will be tagged.


"Levi!! Wait!!" the 10 year old shouted. She was running after the boy who was seemingly running away from her. No game was being played, so she didn't understand what was happening. Then.. a hand.. grabs the girl.



"Levi?" Lisa snaps Levi out of his thoughts of back then. "Hm? What?" Lisa shrugs. "The one thing I remember about you is how you always doze off into space. I was talking about HighSchool? And how I met Eren? You asked me that?"

"Ah.. Sorry about that.. I guess I'm just tired." Levi lies all the time. He normally doesn't sleep much. Maybe two to three hours a day? Sometimes none at all. He wondered why he hasn't slept in a day or two. He didn't have anything better to do. None at all.

"Well.. If you're tired, then go back inside and sleep. I was only checking out the balcony. But before I go..!" she smiles, "Goodnight Levi. And tell Eren I said that as well." Levi was caught off guard by the smiles she was giving off. He hasn't seen it in ten years. And it seemed to get.. cuter?

Eren's PoV

As I am brushing my teeth in the bathroom, holding a razor in my other hand, I spot Levi looking at me through the mirror. "Oi Eren. You know Lisa? Our new neighbor?" he asks as he drinks a Iced Tea in a plastic cup.

I finish shaving and brushing my teeth, spitting out the toothpaste and washing out my mouth in case of any remnants left in my teeth, then wash my face, smiling at how good aftershave smells. Then I turn to him nodding. "Yeah. She's my best friend actually. Why? Do you know her?"

"Of course I know her idiot. Why would I ask if you knew her, and I knew her name?"

"Oh sorry sorry," I laugh a little, as I walk into my room, with him close behind. I had no idea Levi knew Lisa. She never mentioned it to me.. Levi never mentioned it to me. Odd.. I sit down on my bed, the smell of aftershave still in the air, and yawn. "Lisa is my best friend. We've been close since highschool." I start. Levi chuckles a little.

"I see. So.. I'm her childhood friend. And let's see.. I bet you're still a virgin," he laughs as my face goes beat red, him sadly being true. I throw a pillow at him and he swiftly dodges it. "You bitch.." I growl slightly aggravated. Levi needs to back off if he thinks he will take Lisa..

2 Neighbors (Eren X OC X Levi AU)Where stories live. Discover now