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Levi's POV

Today had to be the day I had to babysit Kyle.. I didn't like it as much, but I knew the kid well enough to get along with him. However, kids in general I don't like.. They make a mess, always are dirty, they cry, they scream.. My worst nightmare.. But I found out that this kid is much different.. And I don't know who the hell he gets it from..!
There was a knock at the door at about 8am. It was time to babysit Kyle.. Eren had already left for work, and lucky for me, I work at home.. Office work.. I get a check sent to me every two weeks and thankfully Eren gets paid enough to split the rent in half with me. I get to keep a good sum of my money.. Eren was a dumb ass and didn't get a descent job after college. He majored in Economics and got a bachelors degree, but didn't do anything with it. I majored in Finance and got a degree as well.. Finance.. money, numbers.. not hard.. But I also.. have a aspiration to be a writer.. No one cares for that one as much..,

By the time I answered my door, I could hear quiet mumbling from the outside. Lisa was holding Kyle in her arms and he was leaning his head on her shoulder. It seemed like they were making some type of small conversation, that I couldn't even comprehend, like it was in some different language because it was so quiet. After about 30 seconds, Lisa looks up at me and smiles. "Hey Levi. I got Kyle here for you. And he promised to be a good boy for you," she says as Kyle looks at me. His bright blue eyes seemed a bit darker today. I've seen him before, but his eyes.. just seem.. sadder..

"Don't kids normally have a bag or something for their stuff..?" I ask when I notice nothing else in Lisa's hands. Lisa shakes her head. "Kyle won't be a problem," she replies. "As long as you have food, any kind, and a TV, he'll be fine," she says as she kisses Kyle's cheek one last time, and puts him down. When I look down at him, I notice that there was a small stuffed bear in his arms, holding it tightly. It had light brown fur and a large black spot on its right eye. He slowly walks inside and then looks back at Lisa, lifting up his small hand, waving. "Bye Mama!" His eyes suddenly become brighter as he smiles brightly.

"Bye Bye Kyle. Remember to be a good boy for Mama okay?" She says back, then Kyle nods. This day.. Might be.. full of surprises..
As soon as Lisa left, Kyle sits in the middle of the living rooms, starting to play with this bear. I stand there like a dumb looking person and watch him for a minute or so. Then shit, he looks at me staring at him. I of course have no idea what to say, so I stand there like a shitfaced horse..

"Mr. Levi? Um.." He looks down at the floor, then holds his bear tightly, like he's afraid to ask what he was going to ask. "C-Can you tell.. me a story..?" He closes his eyes quickly, like I was going to punish him since he asked that. Is this kid always like this..?

"Um.. Sure. If you want," I reply nodding, soon going over to where he was on the floor and sit down in front of him. Kyle's eyes brighten a bit when I sat with him, smiling at me.

"Y-Yay..!" He squeals, clapping his hands together with his bear in his arms. "C-Can you tell me a love story??"

I flinch a bit. "You.. want me to tell you a love story? You like that stuff?"

"Y-Yeah..! It's cute..! C-Can you tell me one about Teddy?!" He holds up his bear for a few seconds then hugs it again, giggling. I groan and nod. I do want to be a writer but not for kids.. I guess a kid love story wouldn't really contain.. kissing.. hugging most likely.. I was trying to think of a storyline as quickly as I could, then finally come up with one, and sigh.

"Okay.. Here we go.."
(Time skip because I am lazy =u= )

After the story was finished, Kyle was laughing and giggling. Really happy.. His blue eyes were really bright, and his smile.. also bright.. By the time we finished, it was close to lunch. I stand and look down at him. "So? What do you want for lunch?"

Kyle looks up at me and smiles still. "Anything you wanna give me..! I'll eat it all..!"

"Eh.. How about.. ham and cheese?"

"Yes please! Mama makes me that everyday for lunch! But no mayonnaise." He scrunches his nose up. "It's stinky. And no mustard either."

"Eh.. So basically a plain ham and cheese sandwich? Right?"

"Yes!" He smiles again, making me smile just a little. But.. when I came back with his sandwich.. I didn't expect what I saw..
Kyle's POV

As Levi was getting me a sandwich, I finally started to feel sick.. My stomach was killing me and my head felt dizzy.. I suddenly felt myself hit the ground as my vision went black, and engulfed me into darkness.

2 Neighbors (Eren X OC X Levi AU)Where stories live. Discover now