1 Month Later

182 13 3

Lisa's POV

I have finally gotten settled in not too long after I moved in. It wasn't hard at all, since I had Eren and Levi helping me. Eren got me a job at a local coffeehouse, and Levi showed me around the small town, showing me all the sights there were to see; which weren't much. Maybe the small square with a fountain in the center and a forested area around it was my favorite. Anyway, after I had finally gotten a day off, I decided to pay Eren and Levi a visit, but it didn't turn out to be the way I wanted..
Third Person POV

Knock Knock Knock

It might have been 7am when Levi heard a knock on the door. He shuffles around in his bed a few times, trying to block out the noise because there was no way in hell he was going to answer that.

Knock Knock Knock

Eren jolts awake and sits up in his bed. "Eren!!" He hears Levi groan from his room. "Answer the door before I go to the door, kick it down and stand on top of who ever was knocked down by it..!" Eren sighs and gets up out of his bed, scratching his bare chest, groggily walking to the door of the apartment. He opens it with his eyes closed, yawning.

"Hello..? You know it's 7am right..?" Once he opened his eyes, he noticed no one was in front of him, but.. a tiny figure pushes past Eren, immediately going to his couch, flopping down on it. Erens eyes snap open and stares at the small child that was laying on his couch. "E-Eh..? What are you doing??" Eren asks as he approached the child, or basically, the small boy. His eyes were a bright blue color, and his hair was dark brown... But something about this kid looked familiar to Eren, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Hey?! Kyle?! Where did you go?" He hears a familiar voice yell. Then Lisa all of a sudden appears in front of his door, sighing in relief once she sees the boy named Kyle. She walks into my apartment and grabs him, immediately bringing him back out into the hallway. I stand in the doorway, staring at them. "Now Kyle, I told you not to go far.. Not even out of the apartment.." she sighs. The little boy looks up at me with his cute blue eyes, and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry Mister for barging into your apartment.." he frowns and looks down, as if he's sorry.

"U-Um..!" I shake my head. "You don't have to me sorry..!" I chuckle embarrassedly. I still he no idea why this boy looks like Lisa in every way.. Nephew..? Distant cousin..? It can't be.. her son?!

"M-Mama? Can I go back inside now? I wanna p-play..!" He squeaks cutely, smiling brightly up at her as she held him. Lisa smiles and nods, setting him back down. "Okay. I'll be back in a minute~" she replies, kneeling down and kissing his cheek, then Kyle runs back into the apartment next door.

I was trying my hardest to comprehend what was happening here.. She called him mama.. so that means.. "L-Lisa?! You have a son?!" I screech, probably too loud. She chuckles and looks at me like I'm crazy and she told me before.

"You really forget everything don't you.. Eren I told you probably a long time ago.."

"Where was he for the past month while you were settling in?!"

"He was at my parents. They would actually spoil him too much and ask him too much questions about the real news these days.. I seriously can't stand them..." She mumbles the last part that I couldn't really understand.

"H-How old?? Who's the father?!" The father part makes me bummed out already since she was technically taken.

"He's 4 and no father.. Well no father who actually cares.." she sighs. "You know that guy from a long time ago? Erwin? Him.. He's the father but.. He was a jackass and left me as soon as he was born.. But it doesn't matter anyway.." She laughs a little. "Well, I gotta go back to Kyle. You don't want to leave a 4 year old alone. You can stop by anytime later since I have a day off."
After she left, I was storming into Levi's room, slamming open, making him blot up in his bed, growling at me. But before he could say anything, I screech. "Lisa has a son?!"

Levi stares at me then lays back down in bed, sighing and rubbing his temples like he had a headache. "You're her friend, and you don't know..?" he groans. "Even I knew that and I haven't seen her in 10 years.. "

"B-But when?! How??"

"Damn it Eren you're annoying..! Everyone knows how freaking babies are made. Obviously 4 years ago, and obviously with the wrong guy! Just shut up.. "

"Shit.. I had no idea.." I groan and flop down on the ground, scratching my head. "I thought I knew everything about her.. And yet I don't., I guess here are something's people like to keep secret?"

"Don't you know anything about people Eren? Or do you just tell everything to everyone and everything when you get the chance..? Tch.. That's not right.."

A/N: Hello All!! Yeah short chapter .-. But informative? Lisa has a son?? And Erwin is the daddy?! Gasp!! 😱😱 Anyway >w< please vote and comment! Also, this chapter is dedicated to the wonderful: shingeki-no-kyojin ! Thank you for the votes and comments ^.^)/ Check out this users profile for an awesome fanfic!

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