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A/N: Out of character LEVI IN THIS CHAPTER


I was walking home from work when I got a call on my phone. Once I picked it up I knew something was wrong. I hear Levi's panicked voice, which never sounded like that before.. "E-Eren..! K-Kyle.. K-Kyle won't wake up..! He has a high fever, and he's shaking..!"

"H-Hey Levi calm down.." I try to comprehend what he just said. Kyle won't wake up.. he has a high fever and he is shaking..? Lisa isn't coming back for a while since she is working overtime.." I mumble. "M-Maybe you should call Lisa.. I can try to get her ahold of you.. alright?"

Levi growls at me. "Do it now you brat..!"

I hung up and sighed. I was currently in the break room. Lisa was also in here, but she was doing other things at the moment. Even though she just joined this place she was a hard worker. Being a waitress at this café is a small pay, but I'm sure she could pay rent I guess..

Lisa sat down in the seat next to me and smiled. "Hey Eren."

"Oh.. Hey Lisa.." I smiled and took a deep breath. "Levi just called about Kyle.."

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Is something wrong?" She asks quietly.

"Levi said Kyle was running a high fever, a-" before I could finish she took out her phone.

"Can I have his number..? I'll call him immediately."

I nodded and did as she said. It's like she knew what I was going to say. Maybe Kyle gets sick often..


As soon as a call came into my phone, I answered, even though it was a unknown number. "Hello..?"

"Levi..? It's Lisa." Thank god she called.. I almost immediately think to myself.

"H-Hey.. So what do I do? I got Kyle to stop shaking but, I don't know what to do about his fever.."

"Just calm down Levi okay..? Panicking won't do anything for him.." She said. "I'm on my way there by the way.."

I nodded in response even though she couldn't see me. When I looked down at Kyle, his small eyes suddenly opened and he stared up at me. He didn't say a word, but his eyes looked hazy and dazed.

"H-Hey. How are you feeling?" I asked, trying to seem as calm as possible.

The small boy just stared up at me while reaching up, touching my cheek. That caused me to flinch. His hand was a little warm, indicating his fever went down. He wasn't shaking either. "I want mommy.." He said quietly.

I sighed a little, calming down. His warm hand is what did it. "Mommy is on her way home okay?" I say as I smile a tiny bit.

After a while, Kyle fell asleep, and I picked him up. As soon as I did that, I hear a knock on the door.

I cradle the small boy in my arms, and open the door; Lisa was there. "Is he okay?" She asked frantically as she took Kyle from me.

I nodded however. "Yeah. Kyle is fine. He just fell asleep. And his fever dropped a little," I said, smiling.

Lisa sighed in relief. "Thank you Levi. Thank you so much."

"Hey. No problem."

Lisa looked at me and nodded. "I'll put him to bed. You can come in for some tea or something," she offered.

I shook my head. "Nah. It's alright."

Lisa nodded again, slowly walking down the hall and into her apartment. At that moment, my heart seemed to long for her to come back.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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