Chapter thirteen

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Was it all a lie ?

I just stood there. Looking at them with an emotion I am way too familiar with. Betrayal.

Why ?.

Why would you do this to me Draco ?. I trusted you. I loved you.

I tear rolled down my eyes as they pulled away from each other and turned to look at me. Both smirking.
I starred in his eyes. Those same eyes that once looked in mine with love , were now looking at somebody else's the same exact way. Astoria's.

"Please tell me I meant something" I whispered

I needed to know. That it wasn't all fake. That for at least a split second the love in his eyes was real.

He entwined his fingers with hers.

He smiled. "No. You didn't. And you never will"

"Why would yo-"

"Look I don't have to explain myself. If you wanna be a fucking baby and cry I'll give you an actual reason to cry. I never loved you. I never even liked you in the first place. Like how dumb can you be to even think you have a chance with me. Your the ugliest girl I have ever seen. Oh actually , let me correct myself. Your the ugliest being I have ever seen. Cause trust me when I say a fucking cow is prettier than you. And you know what. Your the reason your parents are dead. If I had a kid like you I would kill myself too." He spat.

I couldn't stop crying. Tears were running down my cheeks. My eyesight was blurry. My knees felt weak. I thought I was going to pass out.

I need to stop. I had to. Or otherwise my eyes will start glowing and everything will be revealed. That can not happen.

So I did what I always do. I left. I ran to be exact.

I could hear them laughing. Their laughs were echoing in my head. It hurts.

I ran to my dorm. Got inside and shut the door. I fell on my bed and cried. That's all I could do.

We were art. But even the most beautiful paintings can burn.

After about five minutes I stopped crying. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. I laughed.

"Pathetic. You are Melanie Grey fucking Brielle. And you are sitting here FUCKING CRYING BECAUSE OF A BOY. You were strong. You never let anyone disrespect you. And look what you are now. A pathetic piece of shit. That's exactly what you are. I mean you have the devils fucking powers. Your the most powerful person alive. And your sitting HERE CRYING. Get yourself together. He wants to fucking leave. Well go ahead and open the fucking door for him. You have boys on their knees for you and your sitting here crying for a guy that's named after a fucking dragon. Hahahaha." I laughed

"And Draco Malfoy. I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet , but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy , and suddenly you joy will turn to ashes in your mouth , and you know the dept is paid" I muttered


"Why did you guys break up ?"

I laughed , almost painfully "One day he loved me and the next he didn't. Strange isn't it ? How fast someone's feelings can change and then there's nothing you can do but accept it. You have to sit and accept the fact that your completely in love with someone who doesn't even give a shit whether you come and go and frankly they would rather it if you didn't come at all. And that sucks."

My brain knew but my heart just wasn't ready.

He chose the sweetest words to get my heart and the most poisonous actions to break it.

Kayla grabbed my hands in hers. "Listen to me. Don't be the one he goes back to when he's done fucking other women. He's goings to be sorry he lost you , so stop worrying. Forget the past , forget the pain and remember what an incredible woman you are.. shine so bright that it burns his fucking eyes." she said.

That kind of knocked some sense in me.

"So get up. Your coming to classes today. And you'll wear this" she pointed at the black Lacy dress a bought a few days ago to surprise him.

"No way Kayla I-"

"No excuses. Come on we don't have all day"

"Fine" I frowned getting up and going to the bathroom to get changed.

"You look fucking hot. His jaw is going to drop." She said

"Now let's go. Don't want to be late now do we ?"

And with that we were headed to potions.

"Oh look who we have here. The little whore. When did you start dressing like that" laughed Astoria with pansy.

"I always dressed like this. You were just too busy sucking every guys dick to notice" I snapped

"Whatever your just jealous of me" she smirked

I laughed " Jealous ? Of you. Bless your delusional heart"

"Nice one Mel" beamed Kayla

Potions was boring. But I couldn't help but notice how Draco was starring right at me.

Like sir didn't you just break up with me to be with Astoria.

Class dismissed.

I took my bag and hurried out that dreadful room.

I was walking down the corridor when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey. Remember me ?"

Who could that be ?.
A lot of drama will be coming soon !!!!
And I'm sorry this is a short chapter.

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