Chapter fourteen

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"Hey remember me ?"

Flint .

"Hi. Yeah I actually do."

"Great ! So how have you been ?" He asked

I sighed "Good. You ?"

"Really good. So I heard you and Malfoy broke up" he said

How does he know that ? It happened like a few hours ago.

"Y-yeah we did" I stuttered

"Ok ,  so do you wanna , maybe go on a date ?"

Should I ?. I mean he's good looking and all but-. You know what screw Draco. He made it pretty clear he never loved me. So fuck it.


"Great I'll come pick you up at ten" he smirked

"Sounds good"


I was at my dorm when I heard knocking.

"It's unlocked"

I heard the door open. I turned around to see who it was.


"Get out"


"GET THE FUCK OUT" I shouted

I could not face him. Not after what he did.

"No your gonna listen to me" he snapped and shut the door closed

"No. Your gonna fucking listen"

"Why did you do it like that ? Why couldn't you just come and tell me ? You knew what you were doing , you knew it would hurt me but somehow it didn't stop you.
And I think what hurts is the fact that I thought you felt the same. But don't get excited.
I knew something was wrong  when you watched me cry inconsolably , over something you had done and you didn't even flinch. You didn't attempt to apologise. Nor were you remorseful. Instead , you carefully twisted it around to be my fault. I knew then , I was dealing with a monster ; not a person. And I don't fucking understand how you can be ok with yourself knowing you emotionally destroyed me.
But I wanted it to be you. God damn , I really did.
And I can't fucking wait for the day when you realise you fucked up.

I won't be the girl you marry , but I'll be the girl you'll be thinking of 20 years from now while you engage in polite sex with your boring wife who fakes her orgasm to make you feel better about your receding hairline.

I don't love you anymore.
But just....
Please don't forget me and all the things we did together.
Please." I muttered

We didn't talk. We didn't move. We didn't blink. It almost felt like we weren't breathing either. Like all the air struck out of our lungs. We just starred. Into each other's eyes.

She wanted him. He was her definition of desire. She never knew how engulfing the flames could be until now. The only thing that could bring her back to life....his lips , his hands. She would follow him to the ends of time just to have another moment with him. All she knew was that she missed him and nothing else made sense until she could be with him again. This is what it felt like to fall and not care where you land.

"In 20 years. When my daughter asks me who my first love was , I'll think of you. I'll think of nights spent talking until the sun came up. I will think of the way your smile lit up my heart. I will think of the lessons you taught me , both before and after you broke my heart. And I will look down at my daughter and tell her your name , I'll tell her how much I loved you , how dangerous it is to love somebody that much , how I had to learn to put myself back together again once you left."

She doesn't love him anymore but sometimes when she looks at the sky it seems to be the same shade of blue as his eyes. She doesn't love him anymore but sometimes when she catches a glimpse of his laugh a knot forms in her throat because it used to be her favourite sound. She doesn't love him anymore but sometimes she catches herself thinking about him and all the memories they made together. She doesn't love him anymore but sometimes when she drinks so much that she can't even remember her name she remembers his. She remembers the way he held her , the way he kissed her , the way he made her feel special. She doesn't love him anymore but sometimes when she's in class , or in bed it hits her that he's gone and she cries and cries but she swears she doesn't love him anymore...


It was now nine o'clock and I was getting ready for the date. I wasn't excited to go , but it's better than staying here and crying myself to sleep. I put on a pink crop top , with a black skirt and black heels. I did my hair , put on some lipgloss and I was done. I don't know where his taking me but I hope it's not hogsmade because I am in no mood to go there.

My thoughts were cut off by knocking. He's here. Great.

"Hey. You look hot" smirked Flint

Great way to compliment a woman.

"Thanks. So where are we going ?" I asked him

"Wanna go to the astronomy tower?"

Of course he's taking me to the fucking astronomy tower.

"S-sure" I stuttered

"Great let's go"

"So why did you and Malfoy break up ?"

That's gonna be the fucking topic of the conversation ? Fucking amazing.

"He kind of played me" I answered

"What do you mean ?"

"Well , he said he loved me and asked me to be he's girlfriend and the next day I come up here to see him kissing Astoria. And he said that he never even loved me in the first place. It's some sort of game for him. To play with people's hearts."

"Well that's fucked up"

"Tell me about it"

"So do you wanna fuck ?" He asked



"But you've had sex with every guy" he said

"Who the fuck told you that ?" I asked

"I mean Malfoy says your a slut and that you'll get on your knees for anyone just to get some dick"

Holy fuck what-

"Malfoy said that ?"

"Yeah. So get on your knees" he said

I slapped him. Hard.

"Hey what was that for ?"

"For being a fucking asshole" I said while getting up and leaving.

Why would Malfoy say something like that ? I mean I knew he was a bitch but that-
And right when I was about to turn the corner , a cold hand was wrapped around my neck and I was pinned on the wall.

"What the fuck do you think your doing ?"

I'd be lying if I said that voice wasn't familiar.

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