Chapter 1: Floating

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"Float him! Float him!"

The haunting cheers rang through the air condemning the innocent boy.

"Bellamy, I didn't kill him! I didn't kill Wells!" Johns pleas were drowned out by the shouts of what he used to call his friends.
No one believed him, not Bellamy, not Finn, not Clarke.
No one but a 17 year old girl named Ace Jet screaming that she was with him the night Wells was killed, that he was innocent.

"I'm just giving the people what they want." Bellamy whispers emotionless as the first punch is thrown at John sending him sprawling to the ground as more kicks and punches are hailed on the boy.
With in the next few minutes a noose is swung over a tree branch and a box is set under it.
It was at this point that Ace took off toward her tent, scrambling for her bow, quiver and knives, all expertly made from scraps of the drop ship.
The constant shouts of 'float him' still ring through the trees let Ace know they haven't killed John Murphy, yet.
Swinging the leather quiver made from seat covering over her shoulders and she takes off in a sprint towards the blood thirsty teens.

"This is on you Princess." Bellamy shouts at Clarke as he shoves the blond girl away from himself, stepping up the the wooden box keeping Murphy from death. Blood, dirt and sweat cover the shaking boy on the box as his head shakes back and forth begging Bellamy to free him; but his pleas are stuck in the gag making it even harder for Murphy to breath.

Wrenching at the rope holding his hands hostage behind him back while struggling to stay on his toes atop the creaky box, hope slips from the condemned boy as is he were a tap someone forgot to turn off. With a swift kick from Bellamy and the loss of contact with the box, Murphy falls only to be caught by the para-cord around his throat, cutting of his air supply and any chance of survival he could think of.

A shrill cry echoes through the clearing as an arrow zooms from the crowed, slicing the rope just above Johns head, letting him crumple to the ground, still unable to breath.

"Murphy didn't kill Wells, I did." Another voice screams before Bellamy takes off to the small 12 year old girl who owns it. Silence fills the air as Ace shoves her way toward an almost unconscious Murphy. Pulling her knife out, she slips it under the noose and cuts the rope away from Murphy's neck resulting in loud desperate gasps coming from the oxygen deprived boy. Quickly the gag and cord around Murphy's mouth and hands are removed before she lifts Johns shaking body into her arms so he lay with his back against her chest; his rising and falling rapidly to regain lost oxygen.

"Are you okay?" Ace carefully whispers in his ear after a few minutes. Some people stay in a circle around them, shocked at the events, others sit with their head in hands regretting the hasty decisions they made, while most wandered back to camp seemingly unfazed by the situation.

"I don't know." A trembling whisper escapes his lips, only loud enough for Ace to hear.

"I don't know" he repeats, "but I'd be dead if it weren't for you." He continues after a few seconds, looking up into her blue eyes, his own slightly swollen making it hard to see.

"How'd you know it was me?" Ace questions raising an eyebrow.

"Black arrows." He states, "Asked you to make me some a few days ago but you shot me down." He continues taking deep breaths every few words. Leave it to Murphy to say something that ironic.

"Where's Finn and Clarke?" A confused Monty shouts running into the clearing. Murphy musters all his strength into sitting up right before scowling at the emptying clearing.

"Where's Bellamy?" Murphy's voice darkens in anger as he notices his executioner missing along with the guilty girl.

"He ran off to camp with Finn, Clarke and Charlotte." Someone shouts but the source of the voice is indiscernible, but that was enough to set Murphy off.

"So they think its okay to string me up for nothing; but when she confesses, they're gona let her walk!!" Murphy's voice raises as he pulls himself to his feet leaving Ace horrified as she sits on the leafy ground.

"Murphy, I know what they did was wrong, but getting even won't make it right!" She shouts to the enraged boy causing him to spin on his heel, stumbling slightly towards her.

"Don't you tell me what's wrong! You didn't say anything to stop them even though I was on guard duty with you the night Well's was murdered!" He shouts pointing his bruised index finger at her accusingly.

"I did! I screamed at the top of my lungs but no one listened to me!" She screams back, furry running through her because of his unjust accusations, but Murphy was already walking away too enraged to listen further.

Furious and worried for her friends safety, Ace took off in a sprint toward camp only have something smash into the side of her head sending her sprawling unconscious into thick bushes concealing her limp body completely.

A/N -
First chapter!!! XD I hope you guys like it so far! I'm sorry to those who haven't seen The 100 before, this may seem a little confusing but ill do my best to explain everything through the story!

Love you guys!

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See ya soon meh Oreos!
(Don't ask questions, just go with it;)

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