Chapter 25: Secrets Revealed

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Music is Dawkin's Suite from the Beyond: Two Souls soundtrack. Play it!


I lurk by the corner with shadows concealing my face—the darkness lends its support to me. The bell has just chimed six times, signalling the end of a day's work for most. If I strain my ears, I can hear snatches of excited conversations, carried forth by the wind.

My goal is to corner Quinnian Allura just as she comes out. I have tried to find time to talk to her all day, but whether by sheer luck or purposeful manipulation, she has always managed to dodge me, coming up with excuses that she is being buried in workloads. Odd. She should have at least a day of relaxation, especially since Gilbert and I are excused from our session with her today.

I ponder about the information I gathered about her yesterday. The two stories still stick in my mind like a fresh brand. A shudder runs up my spine.

"My apologies, Quinnian Gethler, I will not be joining you all for dinner today." Allura's voice rings clear and true from behind the wall. I sharpen my focus on the conversation, pressing my left ear against the wall. Despite it being solid, with nary a crack in between, it doesn't pose as a problem for me.

"Come now, Quinnian Allura, you've been fairly evading the rest of us for the past two years now. Shouldn't you be out and about socialising with your brethren, rather than ducking into your room with every opportunity you get?" The voice—Gethler's, I presume—is deep and commanding, soothing to hear.

"You have my utmost regrets, but I simply cannot do so."

"Don't you ever feel hungry?" A new voice pipes up—high-pitched, squeaky and annoying.

"Two meals a day is sufficient to sustain me. Now if all of you would excuse me, I must leave."

With that, she dismisses her fellow Quinnians. I pick up the faint shuffles of her slippers, heading towards the library doors. I rush over to the entrance, the sunlight blazing across the area blinding me temporarily. My pupils adjust to the light; I hold my breath as the doors swing open.

"Quinnian Allura," I quickly say before she can react, bowing hastily as an afterthought. "I apologise for the sudden intrusion, but you haven't granted me the liberty of your time to answer a few questions I have. I'm doing them on behalf of Captain Eldric, see?"

"Can this take place another time, Squire Rutherland?" The scholar casts me a wan smile. "I have matters to see to."

A growl threatens to erupt from my throat. I've had enough of all this dodging and evading—I need the truth. "Unfortunately, no. I have to submit my report to the captain by tomorrow. If you keep intending to postpone the interrogation, it will not look pretty on paper." I use more force than necessary behind my voice. Shock creeps into the Quinnian's eyes.

She hovers hesitantly for a moment. "Very well," she finally agrees, though her tone is reluctant. "However, please allow me to retrieve something from my room first."

I nod. Better to delay for a while than to never perform the task. I follow her into the outer rings, where the Quinnians' chambers are built in. Despite the fact that it's not considered luxurious nor exuberant, the chambers stand out like a towering oak over meagre saplings, its pale grey surface a stark contrast with the low, squat wooden structures clustered around it—a sign of the revered status of Quinnians.

My eyes wander to look at the scenery, towards the setting sun casting its dying light across the lands, determined to make an impression before the night extends its domain. Allura follows my gaze. Releasing a sharp exclamation, she speeds into the chambers, leaving me stupefied for a moment. I give chase, thinking that she is trying to lose me on purpose.

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