Dont Let Me Go

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We drove home . I have so many thoughts like why did I say what I said when we arrived ? That obviously makes me look like I still love him . I do don't I ? Yes . You know you didn't have to help me Rafe. But I did . Look , what are we doing here ? It's like you broke up with me and now we are sat here driving home and you're not going to say anything else ? Look , Elle , I don't know why the fuck I broke up with you . I was scared of you leaving . But today made me realise that I've fallen for you . Really , really hard . And I have never felt this way about anybody until you Elle . Is this true Rafe ? Elle , I'm going out of my mind here . I really really love you . Rafe , when you broke up with me you hurt me because I ...I already knew I was inlove with you and walked away . I still love you and I'm scared you will just go away again and I can't put myself through that again . What has that taught me ? I never meant to hurt you I was doing what I thought was best for you , I won't walk away again Elle , I can't and I won't. If we do this , you have to promise me you won't walk away again okay ? I say with tears in my eyes . Elle , look at me , I promise you okay ? I stop the car and hug him . I hug him so tightly because it's only been a couple of hours with him but I've realised my feelings for him never went away . Never Let Me Go Rafe . I won't ever let you go Beauty .
That's what he calls me . Beauty and he's my beast . In his arms , I feel safe , secure and I feel like I'm at home . The thing is with Rafe Cameron is that everyone sees him as this complete sick and twisted psycho but he's not . His father , Ward was no help to him whatsoever. Rafe became mentally ill because of Ward . He tried telling him he was struggling but Ward told him to man up . That's when I knew I had to pull him out of the tiny dark hole he was in . Rafe may seem like a monster , but he's really not .

Rafes POV : My Beauty and I'm her Beast . She's always been the one to be so kind to me . Even when we were little , she would always come and give me leaves , flowers , party invitations, candy and more . She's always been full of love . When she's in my arms , I feel safe , secure and comfortable. Ellena Dean is my home . I always thought that home had to be s place you felt you most belong . But , the truth is my home is a person . My Beauty . Her beautiful blonde , wavy hair , her eyes , the rarest of colours , green , blue and grey with yellow . Her flawless tanned skin , effortlessly glowy . That body ! So toned , curvy , just astonishing. To have her back , was like waking up from a nasty dream to find out everything is okay again . I will never let her go . Not again .

I let go of Rafe finally and drove us to our little spot . I had blankets in the car , and we could just go and get some marshmallows from my little holiday home . We stopped at our little spot and watched the sunset . I never wanted this moment to end . It was just right . Elle ? Rafe called . Yes Mr Cameron I said I'm response . When are we gunna tell everyone? Within the next couple of days I think , I mean the crew will know when you come hang with us again . That's true actually. I love you Rafe Cameron I say kissing his shoulder and smiling at him . I love you more Ellena Dean he saids kissing my forehead and smiling back at me .
Im going to sleep I say . Goodnight beauty he saids I love you . Goodnight Beast , love you always I say giving him one last kiss before I fall asleep. I slept like a baby , didn't wake up , didn't hear anything . Good morning I say to Rafe cuddling him. Good morning Elle he saids in his tired morning voice . We have to find the necklace today Rafe , you know that right ? Yeah yeah I know Elle, you sure you wanna do this ? Look , we don't know what this man is capable of , I wanna do this to protect myself , you , my friends and my family. He could be a murderer for all we know I say ! You know , you are strong for doing this don't you ? He saids . I know I say confidently .

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