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When she told me about Edward , I automatically felt sick with anger and sadness for her . How could someone be so sick to do that ? We drove to Marco's . The whole time I was behind her not letting her be alone with him . I've always hated being called a pussy but I guess now I don't care because I'm inlove with her . So , yes I guess I am a pussy . Marco seemed happy about the necklace but we still can't figure out what he wants with it . We leave and she turns to me , saids my name and grabs my hand . ' I love you .' I say ' and I love you ', cuddling her . We go back to my holiday home as Elle doesn't want to go back to her parents house because of the letter she found . Which is completely understandable, her Dad lied to her . Told her he was in prison, told her he was locked up . But no , the truth is he's in Charleston, probably doing what he did to Elle to other children. It makes me feel sick thinking about it . Elle was such a sweet , kind , confident child but as soon as she turned seven , she became pretty shy , kind , sweet and didn't really speak to a lot of people. And I never knew why she was the way she was . Until now . We arrive to my holiday home . ' Here we are ', I say grabbing Elle's waist . ' Thankyou for everything Rafe , I just can't go home , not when I live with liars .' she saids. When she said that , my blood instantly boiled and I clenched my fists. How dare the people that she thought she could trust lie to her like that ? I know she feels betrayed, I know she wants to curl up in a ball and cry for hours but she won't let me see it . She won't let me see her vulnerable side . All because she hates being weak in front of other people . I go over to Elle and say ' I know you hate being weak in front of me , but if you want cry , please cry it out Elle , don't hide your feelings because that's not going to help anyone or anything.' She looks at me for a second , looks away and looks back with tears streaming down her face .
It breaks my heart but all along she needed this . She cries into me I'm cuddling her stroking her beautiful hair . We were there for about 20 minutes before she stops and looks up at me and kisses me . I kiss her back . She then kisses me even more passionately this time with her legs wrapped round my body . I take her into the bedroom and say ' are you sure you want this ?' She nods and saids ' of course I do ' . She starts to take off my shirt and I take off her top and jeans . She takes off my shorts and touches my body with care and time . I look at her body and think ' holy fuck ', I must have reached heaven because this angel wouldn't be here right now if I hadn't of . She's officially mine .
The next morning
I woke up to the sun trying to lurk into our room . I look over at Elle , to see her cuddled into my chest . I kiss her forehead and say ' good morning Miss Dean ' . She turns over to me and saids ' good morning Mr Cameron ' smiling at me and kissing me . What would you like to do today ? I ask her . Well Mr Cameron , I can reassure you I do not want to be on this side of the city today so why don't we go get my boat , fetch Pey , JJ , Kie , John B and Pope and tell them everything. The others can wait . And then tonight , I'm thinking we go to Charleston. Are you sure ? I say . Rafe I can't keep running , I need to talk to him I need to let him know how he makes me feel even to this day . Okay , okay we will go . But if he lays even one finger on you , he WILL be dead Elle . God , I love this woman , so strong , so brave , so fearless , so sexy . Stop daydreaming Cameron , and get up ! She saids . I go over to her and say ' I love you '. She smiles grabs my face and saids ' I've always loved you , even when we were little ' . That makes my heart warm . I knew she saw the good in me but I did not know she loved me when we were little .

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