There is a way .

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Come on then , what are we waiting for ? This thing ain't gonna find itself is it ? He saids . I'm driving this time by the way . Okay but don't drive like a maniac okay please? I don't wanna die . He comes over to me grabbing my waist tightly and saids , ' I am always careful love ' . Yeah yeah whatever I say I reply smiling with my face so close to his . We drove back to my house , I unlocked the door and called out for my mom and dad but no reply . Phew they are not here I say . Let's go look for this piece of shit I say . We start off in the kitchen in the basket of my dads random things . There's keys , a torch , letters and some cigarettes and that's about it Elle . I kinda gathered it wouldn't be in there anyway . Im going to guess it will be up in my dads room in the box of things he doesn't use or wear anymore . We go up there quietly and slowly just incase they are up there . I scurry across the landing first and open my parents room . No ones in here I say to Rafe who is behind me . I open the door and the search begins . We were looking for a good five minutes before I come across something. Er... R...Rafe ? Get over here , I say sick to my stomach. I hand what I found over to him . He reads it to himself then stops to look at me . Hey , hey Elle , it's okay , I'm here . He saids holding me and kissing my forehead whilst I'm sobbing . Can you believe this ? I say to Rafe . After all this time , he's not been where he belongs , he's still out there , possibly doing what he did to me when I was 5 to other little girls and boys . I say . I pick up the letter and read it aloud . ' Dear Wesley , I am now in Charleston , at my family home , I was only in prison for a year . I needed to write to you clear a few things up . Your daughter, Ellena , grew on me when I taught her how to play the piano . I knew she was gifted , but I never thought I would do what I did to her when I did . I won't say what I did , because incase she finds this letter , which I'm sure she won't but I don't wanna bring it up . Ellena is not the first child I did that to and I'm so sorry I brought trauma not only into her life but yours too . But I am not sorry for recognising that your beautiful daughter has a gift . Yours truly , Edward Imlington '. He only did a year for what he did to me ?! He touched me , and I said no crying and not understanding! He took off my clothes , he raped me ! I was five years old , FIVE YEARS OLD Rafe ! I ... I never knew Elle , I'm so so sorry beauty . I used to love playing the piano . I used to spend hours upon hours learning different songs . I can't even look at a piano without seeing that bastard ! Do you know what that's like ? To fade out of love for something you put your all into ? I can't stay here anymore, not when I live with a bunch of fucking liars ! This man ruined my life ! And he's out there in Charleston, probably lining up hundreds of more children , innocent little children! Elle , I've got the house right next to the beach , we will go there for a few days , bring your crew over and let them know . Yeah let's get out of here , at least I found the necklace I say , holding it up , wiping a tear away from my face . I'm taking the fucking letter too , leave the evidence that we were in here out , I want him to see what he's done . Hey , come here beautiful, Rafe saids gently . He kisses me , once this necklace bullshit is done , we are going to hunt down the bastard that ruined you , and we will show him what hell is like . I love you Ellena Dean . 

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