fairy invasion

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fairies have invaded the world:

The sound of their wings came first

When the fairies arrived

Enough to make your ears burst

As they spilled out of their hives

They filled the world with color

Sparkling dust coated your hair

Things would no longer be duller

Than the gray world, full of despair

But their mischief knew no bounds

You could find them in your ear

Making their fairy sounds

Living life without a care

Not all of them were girls

Though you would probably think

They were prettier than pearls

And came in colors other than pink

They weighed less than an ounce

But times that by about a trillion

A quarter the size of a mouse

Yet so much more resilient

For fairies never died

Not if you still believed

It was impossible to deny

When they rested in the eaves

They looked just like glitter

When you squinted in the distance

The most beautiful form of litter

If you acknowledged their existence

Still some pretended to go blind

When the fairies came to town

They didn't pay them any mind

Met each one with a deep frown

With a fairy on each side

Of the corner of your mouth

Your smile couldn't hide

They'd pull your lips North from South

It was hard to take a step

With the fairies underfoot

No one had time to prep

With every step you had to look

For if you squished a fairy

It was a criminal offense

Things would get rather hairy

And a trial would commence

Fairy laws were rather strict

If they found you to be guilty

It was difficult to predict

Just what the punishment would be

But if you could live in peace

Then the fairies left you be

They'd even cure you from disease

If you lived life honestly

Some saw the fairies as a blessing

Others insisted they were a curse

But they made life way less depressing

For the better or for the worse

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