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A/N. This my first book be nice
' means the person is thinking to there self
"Talking out loud to someone

ASAP POV I'm just enjoying my album with release party when I hear faint crying I just felt a pull telling me to go and find the sound

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I'm just enjoying my album with release party when I hear faint crying I just felt a pull telling me to go and find the sound.
  After everybody calm down and shut they ass up I started to walk towards the sound

I turn the corner to the hallway and go down the basement and hear the crying start to get louder I remembered there's a little room for my stash of weed so I go in there and what I see shocked me

There's Tyler I believe that's his name shaking on the ground crying my first thought is he's having a panic attack "Hey Tyler come on come back to me"He's not responding

"Hey ty calm down for me count how many blocks you see okay" "Remember the song"
"See there you go babe come back to me"
Hi ty I said Seeing him smiling back at me
'That was weird why did I suddenly remember that and who is that anyways'
"Hey breath In and out for me ok follow my breathing babe" " There you go welcome back bro you good" He looks really out of it I wonder what happened?

****FLASHBACK****"Hey ty calm down for me count how many blocks you see okay" "Remember the song""See there you go babe come back to me"Hi ty I said Seeing him smiling back at me****PRESENT****'That was weird why did I suddenly remember that and w...

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There's so many people to many smells it's overwhelming please not here nonono please please fuck I have to get to get somewhere small it's too much if I stay here any longer IT will happen and that CANNOT FUCKING HAPPEN im not ready

So what do I do run and run turner corner after corner until I see a basement and run into the basement and see a tiny door so I go in there and sit

Omg omg what if IT would have happened fuck fuck that was too close why did I not have control I've been practicing for a long time but I still can't control I'm such a disappointment I'm so sorry mom it's all my fault please forgive me please forgive me I'll d-Tyler come on I faintly here n-no nobody cares but mom

'Nobody care nobody nobody only mom just mom'  "Hey breath in and out follow my breathing" I hear  breath In breath out I copy their breathing for a couple minutes before I stop crying and start to breathe normal I'm still shaking a little though

H-h-how did he calm me down there's only one other person who has done that before and I lost him along time ago 'Get yourself together Tyler'I look up and smile at him "welcome back bro you good"

'Damn he fine'
'Stop I'm damn near drooling'
'Respond before he starts to think you're weird dumbass'
'He just seen me have a full blown panic attack I doubt he'll think I'm weird'
'Whatever just respond stupid'
'Alright damn'

"Um yea im good bruh Thankyou for um helping me out"

'why you being shy man up it's not like he ask you to fuck him'

"Your welcome you wanna go back up or you need a minute" Um is there a way to go out without having to go back up?
"Yea I'll show you follow me and watch your step"

I followed and we went out this weird hidden closet with glass and shit on the floor 'why is it so much glass'
"Hey what happened to make you like that?" No offense but I don't know you but thats none of your business thankyou and all it's just very personal "I understand you don't have to explain" he looks sad

'Damn it was I to harsh'
'No you weren't its none of his business at all and you better not tell him or you'll risk everything'
'Ok ok I get it I wasn't going to tell him anyways'

"Hey want me to get a ride for you?"why he gotta be so nice making my panties wet

'You a nigga you don't wear PANTIES fucking idiot'

'Bitch shut up ik'

Back to reality No I'll call an Uber so I got the Uber and we sat in silence until the Uber pulled up I got in the Uber and seen him walking away shit HEY THANKYOU SHIT WHATS YOUR NAME "ASAP CALL ME ASAP"THANKYOU ASAP GOODNIGHT

Too soon the Uber pulled up to my house I said Thankyou to the Uber and prepared myself to walk in to the house I reached the door and walked in to see this fuck nigga ANDREW my "father" whatever that is passed out on the couch I grabbed a water bottle and went up to my room

Throwing the bottle on the bed I get my towel and go shower

****After shower****
I lotion up and throw on some boxers and grab my phone and put it on the charger goodnight mom I said kissing my necklace switching of the lights and setting an alarm I finally go to sleep

~The End~
How was it be honest I was skeptical writing the this but here we are I can't promise that I write good cause lord knows I'm lazy af so definitely don't expect hella updates cause no

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