Finding Him

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It's been like 3 weeks since I had that weird ass memory vision shit and since I've seen Tyler

Something is telling me to find him I don't know why but the pull is so strong that it hurts my head at times
I've went to the doctor nothing to another doctor nothing and when I asked my moms and pops and they just tell me I'll find out whatever that's means
I don't understand but I'm not gonna trip I just wanna see Tyler

I know he hangs out at this one cafe it's like Mia's cafe or sum shit
I don't wanna be a creep and just pull up on him

But honestly am I thinking to hard I can just go in and order like a regular ass person and just "bump" into him

Let me go get my happy ass in the shower and get dressed

~After Shower

I get out the shower lotion up and shit that niggas do I throw on some Rick Owen joggers my LYBB hoodie and some Nike Dunks and I'm out

I get out the shower lotion up and shit that niggas do I throw on some Rick Owen joggers my LYBB hoodie and  some Nike Dunks and  I'm out

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A/N(The way he creasing these shoes make me wanna BEAT HIS ASS anyways continue)

I get in my lil BMW I hate this fucking car but my sister took my Bentley to go to her home girl party but i mean it's not a bad car it's just not my car

Anyways I hop in my car and start the gps just in case I get lost I doubt I will considering it like only 20 minutes away from me

Pulling up to the cafe I see that it's not a lot of people here usually it's pack with horny weird teenagers or people just trying to get some breakfast and study a bit before class

I walk and immediately spot Tyler
I walk to the counter and order some stuffed bagel bites and some
Iced coffee

"Will that be all for you sir?"

"Yes Thankyou"

"Ok we'll call you up in a few to get your food"

With a nod I go sit 2 tables down from Tyler just to keep distance so he won't think I'm weird or anything

I take a moment to just look around the shop its mad cute ice never actually sat down in here just got my shit and left

"ASAP"I get up to go get my order and some white up there tryna get my shit like what is you doing lil mama  "Excuse me Ms my I need to get my order you in the way"

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I get up to go get my order and some white up there tryna get my shit like what is you doing lil mama
"Excuse me Ms my I need to get my order you in the way"

"Oh I'm sorry I was just trying to be nice and bring It to you but never mind clearly you don't appreciate my kind gesture"

This white snuffalufagus sniffing come white back bitch I should you know nvm

"Um here's your food sir have a good day"

"Thankyou you too"

Going back to my table i see a paper the white girl done Put her number on my table what is wrong with people


These past weeks all I could think about is Asap he's been on my mind 24/7 whine Im eating while I'm sleeping shit while I'm eating da di- nah I'm just playing but he really has been on my mind lately

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These past weeks all I could think about is Asap he's been on my mind 24/7 whine Im eating while I'm sleeping shit while I'm eating da di- nah I'm just playing but he really has been on my mind lately

I don't know why but something about him just draws me in minus the fact that he fine as fuck and make a nigga panties wetter than a slip in slide at yo grandma reunion

Anyways I been sitting at Mia's for  about an hour now just reading and studying a little bit when I here somebody going off about not being appreciated I look up and it's Leah ass talking to

OH SHIT that's Asap should I go say hey or would that be weird I mean we just met like 3 weeks ago  would he think I'm following him wait scratch that I was here first

Fuck it im just going to say wassup packing up all my books and stuff I make my way over to his table

I wonder how long he's been here I didn't see him before


Putting his cup down he looks up confused for a second

"Oh shit my bad wassup Tyler how you been?

"Good when'd you start coming here i have never seen you here  before"

"I been coming here since it opened I just usually run in get my order and leave"

"So what's different about today?"

"If I'm being honest you "


"Yea for some reason i had this urge or rather pull to see you I don't know why

"Oh well we could be friends give me your phone so  I can put my number"

"So why this cafe you literally come and sit in here everyday so why here not home"

"Idk why actually it's just a vibe"

Groaning I grab my head 

"He you okay Tyler want some water or something?"Asap said looking concerned

"Yea I'm ok but I should get going but I'm free tomorrow so hit me up if you wanna chill"

A/n Yall I was on E writing this so it's definitely not proofread and I'm sorry if it's trash 😇🥲

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