Confusion & Chaos

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Laying in my in my bed I'm just thinking about everything that ma just told me and I swear my head is about to explode

None of this makes any sense at all. I've been "normal" my whole life well as normal as Tyler Okonma can be

Now I'm some halfbreed Nigga and I don't even know what the other half is and apparently my self conscious not even my self conscious I'm been speaking to my quote on quote wolf this whole time which to me makes absolutely no sense but whatever

"Well make it make sense because I'm here and I'm not your self conscious I'm me a part of you you haven't discovered yet but you will soon"

How do y'all just expect me to believe this shit it literally hasn't even been an hour since ma told me I'm so confused and trying to make sense of everything is just making my head hurt more than usual

"Which is understandable you just had this huge bomb dropped on you that your a creature you read in Wattpad books nobody's expecting you to just jump up and down and be happy, No take your time Im here to help I always have been"

I just don't understand whatever I'm just going to take a nap and deal with it later if I think any more right now I'm going to pass out.


I feel bad about just putting all of that on Ace like that but it was bound to happen and it was time

I just wish my damn sister would come to explain everything to him. I know that I've raised him like my own son but he's not and I know he feels the need for his mother and father he doesn't even like Mike

For good reason I don't like that Nigga
At all ok maybe a little bit Tyler has good reason not to like that man
I can't blame him

Walking up the stairs I knock on his door

"Tyler" "Hey Tyler baby are you woke?"

With no answer I slowly open his door seeing that his sleeping I walk in and sit on the bed

"Oh my baby I'm sorry that I put you through this but it had to happen I had to tell you everything will fall in to place soonand you'll understand soon Tyler"

" You must me trying so hard not to freak out knowing you you're probably thinking about just running away from all this but baby this isn't something you can run from and I'm sorry about that blame your mother she's an ass her and your damn daddy"

" I understand that they had to leave you with me to go take care of everything but they could have went about it different you lost your parents without even knowing and I know you're feeling confused about everything but in time it with make some sort of sense"

"I love you baby"

Getting up of the bed I kiss his forehead and walk out.

I need a big ass drink lord


Man I'm supposed be hosting this wack ass party but all I can think about is Tyler he is all I ever think about literally I smell him everywhere it's so annoying yet relaxing

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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