Power Punch

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I can always feel him no matter where I'm at no matter the distance of time or space I will always be able to feel him. But lately I haven't been able to and that is very alarming. Something is wrong.

So here I am sitting outside his window because im quote on quote "Not allowed to be seen or heard under any circumstances"Which is dumb as fuck but it's whatever.

Every morning for the past week I have sat in this tree across from his house just to watch him toss and turn as if he's having the most horrible nightmare.Its heartbreaking to see and not be able to do anything about it all I can do is sit in this dumb ass tree and watch well until he get ups and go to work.

And after I have to go to see my other what should I call him my "person that I have to check on or my higher ups would be upset"

I'll see you soon my love

Tyler POV
I always have these terrible nightmares that always result in somebody dying by my hands and I can feel that I have some kind of connection with them but I can't see their face or recognize their voice

The dreams start with me sitting in a room with a bunch of people and I'm strapped to a chair and I can't move and they keep repeating the phrase Hybrid demon like it was a curse it scares me every time

Anyways and then suddenly I'm in a burning building with people running around and somebody calls my name and I turn around to man with a blank face reaching out to me and I try to help him but he starts to burn and then burst into flames and somehow I feel like I did it like I was the cause

But I can't be it's just a dream it's just so scary.Some time goes by before I get up to go to work I really don't want to go but if I don't my so called "Dad" will be on some bullshit that I don't feel like hearing today

I work at this movie theater up the street called HD Films I hate going to this place it's always dirty as fuck and let's not forget that my manager is an asshole that sits on his ass all day

I work from 9-4 and I get a 30 minute break at 11.All I really do is go to subway to get me and my co-worker subs and then come back and sit for the rest of my break.

"Im so ready to quit please Greg is killing me"
Ty why haven't you reported him yet he has been working you the most just because you rejected his old creep ass

"You know the last time I tried that he ended up making me pull doubles and docking my pay and I'd rather deal with him than my Father"

I feel so bad for you your boss is horrible to you and your dad isn't so great his self at least from the way you speak about him.

"Yea my life is so terrible but let me go I'll see you later Nea"

You always brush it-
"Bye Nea see ya"

Grabbing my stuff I walk out the building to begin my walk home

On the way home I see Mr.lanes for as long as I can remember I've known Mr.lanes that stays on south block he always greets me and sometimes give me food that he makes for his grandchildren Sam and Ace.

For some reason Ace always looks at me whenever I come over to help with gardening like he just stares but it's not a bad glare it almost feels protecting if that even makes since.

Hi Mr.Lanes how are you doing today got anything for me today?

"Okonma what have I told you about calling me that call me Nijel"

Im sorry Nijel it's just automatic

"It's okay Okonma just remember it's Nijel and I've got some leftover stuffed potatoes and greens if you would like I was just on my way to bring you some to thank you for last week"

Awww thankyou your food is always so good (ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴍʏ ᴍᴏᴍs) Don't tell her I said that though

" I promise I won't go head get home I heard your mom has something she wants to talk to you about"

Okay thanks again NIJEL and stop talking to my mom y'all too close I said smiling big as hell

I wonder what she wants to talk about and why does Mr.lanes know must have been over again to help with cooking lord knows mom needs it.


"Mom I just ran in to Mr.lanes said you needed to talk to me about something sounded important what's up"

Wow ok Um go take your work clothes off and come sit down

"K I'll be back in a second"

Running up the stairs I get some black shorts and a white crop top and change so I can hear what she has to say that's so important Mr.Lanes had to tell me to hurry home.

"Backkkkkkk so wassup?"

Here baby its homemade beef stew and flatbread with rice don't worry Nijel helped me and I didn't burn anything this time around and it's really seasoned this time

"Mom with the way you cook If someone was to come over right now they would think you were white or something no offense to white people but they can't seem to find the seasoning in Walmart"

Whatever you betta shut yo ass up talking shit boy I know my cooking at all that but I feed yo ass don't I?
Yea that's what I thought

"Ma don't be offended it's all love honey but can you tell me what you gotta tell me you know my anxiety be acting up and right now you the cause"

Aww baby I'm sorry come on sit down so I can tell you

Mabell Rose(Tyler's mom)

I don't why in the hell they choose today to tell him the Plan was to wait it out until he remembered IT but whatever I guess we rolling with the Power Punch today stressing me the hell out.

I should just leave and not say shit but Tyler is really my little baby and he deserve the world and more with all the shit he's been through weather he remembers or not.

"Ok so there's no easy way to say what I'm about to say hun"


"No boy now shut the hell up and let me speak" "Now what I was saying was taking a well needed breath I say "I'm not your real mother I'm your aunt and your dad Is not your dad he's your uncle Mike"

Im sorry what are you talking about you-I- your joking right

Taking his hand in mine I continue "No baby I'm not I swear to you I'm not lying and this isn't a joke"

I knew It was a reason I ain't like that Nigga "Mike"

" I know I just told you some crazy shit but you better watch your mouth"

Sorry mom I mean "AuNty MAbelL"
Where my real parents at?

"Ok I'll let that slide but sadly due to some things I can't tell you that" " The time for you to meet them will come soon"

Do I even wanna meet them Tyler mumbled

"Well him but that's another story for another day also one more thing"

There's more what more could there possible be

"Well this is gonna sound extremely crazy but have you heard the words Hybrid Demon"

I have in my dreams what does that have to do with my parents being my aunt and uncle I'm confused Tyler said shaking

"Well to make things short and quick your a Hybrid".......

Hehehe cliffhanger what's going to happen? How will he react? His mom and dad is his aunt and uncle😱 What is going on here🤔

This took me all damn day this writing low-key not for me
And no I did not spell check and or proof read sorry🤗

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