close encounters of the shopping kind

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I knew he was annoyed. He lost an argument this morning when I decided to leave my apartment in an outfit he deemed too short. I mean what was this? The 1980s? Did my legs have to be covered below my knee and sleeves that reach the whole way down to my wrist? I knew if I came out fully clothed in this 90 degree heat he'd have something to say too.

We were meeting friends in the park for a picnic and true to our fashion we had forgotten we were in charge of the chip and dip selection. We were currently speed walking to the shop as if we weren't already running late.

Through every aisle, Roman hovered over me like an uncomfortable jacket. I constantly kept stepping back onto his shoes to which he had the audacity to growl at me for, as if it wasn't his fault. I was slowly getting the urge remind him to stay out of my personal bubble by throwing a swift fist in his face.

Even when we were at the counter, I could feel his warm presence right behind me and could practically feel his glare directed at the poor cashier. The cashier was a guy in his early 30s at least and looked like he couldn't care any less.

I grabbed the bag he handed me and stepped back yet again bumping into Roman. 

"What is your issue?" I whisper harshly fully aware we were still in a crowded store.

He mutters under his breath and leads me out the automatic doors.

"Ro!" I slap his arm as he refused to answer me properly.

"Will you just move it, we're already going to be the last ones there." He huffs.

"Exactly. It hardly matters if we turn up now or in ten minutes when you've sorted out your shit." I retort.

Roman continued to ignore me and began to walk away from me. I stood in place watching his retreating back in shock. An elderly man was just entering the store when he came over to me tapping my shoulder.

"Alright, dear?" He asks concern etched in his eyes. He follows my gaze to Roman just as I told him I was fine. "Wait right here." The old man chuckles patting my shoulder before heading in the same direction as Roman.

I was shocked when the man caught up to him and more shocked that he was now talking to Roman.

I couldn't make out anything except I saw Roman nod solemnly and look down at his feet. The old man begins to walk back to me and surprisingly, Roman follows suit.

"Bye dear." The old man waves to me and rushes into the store before I even got a word out.

I watch the door close behind him but I suddenly feel Roman's hands on my cheeks, cupping my face.

He kisses my pouted lips and then grabs my hand.

"Sorry." He mumbles. With one last kiss to my forehead, we were walking to the park.

Hm, I thought, how could I make that old man a permanent fixture in my life?

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