Author Interview: Zombie Shark Highway by @MeaghanMcIsaac

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Hello and welcome to Master Adventures! Today our guest is the amazing Action-Adventure writer Meaghan McIsaac, author of the "Zombie Shark Highway Universe" on Wattpad's Fantastical Adventures Reading List.

About the Story

When zombie sharks start attacking the shoreline it's up to Kayla, the sheriff's daughter, and local bad boy, Justin, to save the town.

Seventeen-year-old Kayla Girard follows the rules just like any good sheriff's daughter should. But when eight dead sharks wash up on the highway outside her remote coastal town, Justin, the town lowlife, drags Kayla out to the highway with him. When they arrive at the scene, the sharks are gone - and two of Justin's friends are found dead in their place. Suddenly it's up to Kayla and Justin to save the town from sharks that won't stay dead.

 Suddenly it's up to Kayla and Justin to save the town from sharks that won't stay dead

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Questions for our Author

Is Action-Adventure what you normally gravitate to in your writing? What is your favorite genre to read and write?

Action-Adventure, YES! Always, all the time. Whatever I write, there has to be action and adventure. And lots of it. It's never deliberate. I don't set out to write an "Action-Adventure". But everything I write always contains lots of both those things. But it also might be a comedy at the same time, or a horror, or a fantasy. Fantasy is probably my favorite genre to read and write in. Whether it's magic realism or high fantasy, the fantasy shelf at the book store and on Wattpad is where I linger the longest.

What inspired Zombie Shark Highway?

I don't think this will come as a surprise to anyone - but Sharknado and all those amazing shark disaster and creature disaster B movies. Flu Birds. Rampage. My absolute favorite was Avalanche Sharks. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. I really wanted to try to take that same sense of B movie silliness that isn't, inside its story world, aware it's silly, and bring it to book form. It was really just something fun I wanted to do. And I have been so blown away by how readers have responded to it.

What do you like most about your characters, Kayla and Justin? And are they based on real-life people?

I love Kayla for her bravery and authenticity. She's not trying to impress anyone. She is who she is and she's good with that. Unless Justin is around, then she can't help but second guess herself a bit. I love Justin for his kind heart and contradictions. He's the cool guy at school and has tons of friends, but he's very insecure and unsure in everything he does. But ultimately, he just wants to do the right thing, Neither of these characters are based on anyone specific, they're more a mish-mash of lots of people I've known in my life, not to mention bits and pieces of my own teenage self haha

What about the other characters? Were any of them based on real-life people?

Again, they are all mixes of different people and their different personality traits. Except, Maddie's gecko belly button ring was based on a real gecko belly button ring a friend of mine from high school got for Christmas. It was awesome.

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