Author Interview: "Assassin For Hire" by @MidnightRose55

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Today we are spotlighting amazing Action-Adventure author Ruby aka MidnightRose55, author of "Assassin For Hire" on Wattpad's "Wanderlust" Reading List.

About the Story

"The Hunted die, not the Hunter. Gavin Forrester is the hunter and she's the one he never wanted to hunt..."

Gavin Forrester is in the business of getting rid of people. Young, old, man, woman, doesn't matter as long as he gets his share when the job is completed.

Up until now, killing people was easy. He'd just line up his shot, pull the trigger and be done with it but he made a mistake on his latest job. He got attached to the target and for a guy like Gavin, that's fatal. With his boss breathing down his back and his own feelings on the line, will Gavin be able to follow through?

All it's supposed to take is a breath and a pull of the trigger but his finger is hovering a lot more than usual and he's not so sure this bullet will be worth it...

All it's supposed to take is a breath and a pull of the trigger but his finger is hovering a lot more than usual and he's not so sure this bullet will be worth it

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Questions for our Author

What is your favorite genre to read and write? What about age range?

My favorite genre to read is Victorian and 19th century, like the Bronte sisters and Jane Austen. I also love character-driven stories. Some of my favorites lately have been by Sally Rooney and Taylor Jenkins Reid. I really love stories about artists and celebrities as well. I recently read Daisy Jones and the Six; it had such an interesting perspective and narrative style. In terms of writing, I enjoy realistic fiction and character-driven plots. I use writing as a form of escape, so I enjoy writing about larger-than-life situations like assassins or celebrities. I find myself writing a lot about musicians lately. In terms of age range, I tend to write for teens and young adults. I think when I began writing, I was a teen, so I wrote the kinds of stories I would want to read, and that desire has continued as I have continued to write.

What inspired this particular story?

I started writing this story when assassin stories were growing in popularity on Wattpad. I saw a lot of aesthetic boards about assassins and it was becoming an off-shoot of the "bad boy" genre, which I had always enjoyed reading at the time. This particular story, I believe, was inspired in part by a writing prompt I found on Pinterest or Instagram, and my extensive watching of crime shows (Dateline, Law and Order, Criminal Minds, etc.) One of the first things I came up with in terms of planning for this story was the line "The hunted die, not the hunter" and that was what I built the story around.

What do you like most about your characters, Gavin and Victoria? And are they based on real-life people?

I would say my favorite thing about Gavin and Victoria is their complexity. This story was the second novel I had written, so I was still (and am still) learning about creating complex, interesting characters. In my first novel, the characters gained more complexity and nuance by the end of the story but Gavin and Victoria seemed to be complex from the start. I loved that Gavin was not all good but he also couldn't be written off as evil either. I loved that Victoria could surprise people and she had a developed backstory distinct from her storyline with Gavin. I also loved their relationship. It wasn't easy but it was hard-fought and it won in the end. These characters will always have a special place in my heart because I feel like they reflected my growth as a writer and have pushed me to continue growing.

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