Author Interview: The Moonlight Boy by @angelapoppe

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Hello and welcome to Master Adventures! Today our guest is the amazing Action-Adventure author @angelapoppe, author of "The Moonlight Boy" on Wattpad's "Middle-Grade Adventures" Reading List.

About the Story

In Goodharts, the small town between the hills, nobody knows how Ferry Donovan looks. His mother has been keeping him out of sight for over nine years. When the boy finally begins school, the people are not only intrigued by his appearance but also by the strange things taking place around him.

Yet, weird things are happening in Ferry's town, too. Every seven years, a person mysteriously disappears into the forest nearby.

When one of his classmates vanishes into thin air, Ferry is determined to find him. With the help of his friends, who are just as different, he embarks on a journey into the Land of the Unseen.

But is he really prepared for what lies beyond? 

But is he really prepared for what lies beyond? 

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Questions for our Author

What is your favorite genre to read and write? What about age range?

I write under the large fantasy spectrum, but if I had to put my books under a specific genre, that would be real-world fantasy or realistic fantasy, as I like to call it. That means I write about reality with a touch of fantasy.

I love to read in a variety of genres, from fantasy, mystery, and adventure to psychological thrillers and horror.

As for the age range of my audience, I'm young at heart, so I write mainly Middle Grade and YA.

What inspired this particular story?

There are a lot of sources of inspiration for The Moonlight Boy. The stories I heard, the books I read, the movies I watched, all put a mark on my writing.

But the origin point of inspiration comes from my Romanian roots. There is an old folktale about some strange, perfect circles deep inside the woods where no vegetation grows. They say those circles appear where mysterious forest creatures dance; they are beautiful beyond words, but moody and vengeful if disturbed. They are the Iele (to be spelled Yelleh), the fairies of Romanian mythology. Old people say these creatures used to steal people, young men and boys in particular, and take them to their world from where they never came back.

So I thought it would be fun to write the story the other way around. Not about a human living in the world of fae, but about a fairy-boy living in the world of humans. A changeling, a fairy baby replacing a human child. That's how The Moonlight Boy came to life.

What do you like most about your character, Ferry Donovan? Is he based on a real-life person?

I created Ferry Donovan as the opposite of the smart, good-looking, weapon-skilled male character. I wanted him to be as reliable as possible, even though he possess some pretty impressive magical skills. Because of his fairy features, Ferry is not good-looking (at least not according to human standards). At times, he can be clueless, reckless, undecided, impatient, impulsive, too curious, or too passionate about things or people he loves. He's not the brightest of the characters either.

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