Author Interview: 4522 {The Number Series} by @imaginationNationX

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Hello and welcome to Master Adventures! Today our guest is the amazing Action-Adventure author imaginationNationX, author of "4522 {The Number Series}" on Wattpad's "The Adrenaline Rush" Reading List.

About the Story

4522. Both a name and a number that had labeled many.

Within a society of the alive, yet not living, 4522 struggles to conform. She finds herself lost while surrounded by strict rules of direction. Deep inside, she knows there is another way to exist than following orders in a herd of humans who do not think for themselves. 4522 believes there is more than numbers and laws; she just has to find it.

When her hall Officer is replaced, and she forms an unlikely friendship with the boy next to her, the opportunity for change arises. When the mysterious Officer selects her and her friend, 4313, for testing she knows something is wrong; 4522 can only think she was picked because they know about her secrets that she had been keeping. They know she is different and different only means one thing.



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Questions for our Author

What is your favorite genre to read and write? What about age range?

That is a difficult question. I will read and write just about anything, but I think my favorite genre to read currently is Mythic fiction. My favorite to write is fantasy. As far as age range, young adult is what I enjoy the most for both reading and writing.

What inspired this particular story?

The inspiration for 4522 began in a physical therapy office. During specific treatments, I was often separated from other patients by nothing more than a medical curtain. This is where the story began both literally in my mind as well as the beginning of the book. In order to entertain myself during my boring hour-long physical therapy sessions, I began daydreaming this story in my head. I eventually began writing it down and it grew from there.

What do you like most about your character, 4522? Is she based on a real-life person?

My favorite characteristic of 4522, also known as Remi, is her rebellious nature and inquisitiveness. She is not based on a real-life person; however, she has traits that I find admirable in others.

What about the other characters? Were any of them based on real-life people?

My character Jericho also exhibits my favorite traits of all of the characters in the book. She is bold, wild, and unashamed. Jericho is not based on a real-life person but she does have traits that I find most in line with my own personality which I find funny as she is one of the more disliked characters.

When you are writing a story, are you a plotter (planning everything out in advance) or do you let the story take control and follow it down whatever path it decides?

I mostly let the story take control. My fingers type away as my mind races with images and ideas. Depending on the complexity of the world I am trying to create, I will invest time into plotting. If I do take time to be a plotter, it usually doesn't happen until I have already written the first few chapters.

How do you handle writer's block? Do you have any advice for other authors who struggle with writer's block?

When I experience writer's block, I take time to read a few of the most recent chapters I have written. I then look at photography images and listen to music that has a similar mood to what I am trying to convey in the chapter I am writing.

Advice that I have for writers experiencing writer's block is to try the above. If that does not get the creative juices flowing then try writing a wild and unpredictable short story, with no specific expectations, to try to kick start the imagination. When all else fails, eat a snack.

What is your favorite chapter or moment in the story? And why?

My favorite chapter is probably chapter 29. I do not want to give any spoilers, but I will say it is a rollercoaster of emotions for the main character and has an unexpected twist.

Do you have a favorite character?

I do! My favorite character is Jericho. I feel that she grows the most from her first introduction to the end of the book. She is a wild card and I had a lot of fun exploring her personality and seeing this created world through her eyes. She is a side character but she is vital to the main character's journey, which becomes clear at the end when you read the difference between the last chapter and the special alternative ending.

Which character was the hardest to write?

Archer was the most difficult to write. I personally wanted to write him to show all of his emotions and always be the obvious supportive rock. I could not write him that way. I had to go against my own wishes to stay true to his character.

Do you have any future plans for these characters or this world? Is a sequel to this story? Are there any other stories that follow?

For these characters specifically, no I do not. For the world I created I most definitely do. For 0001, that is a more complicated question. 0001 is both a sequel and a prequel that provides a more detailed look into both the past world of 4522 as well as a look into its future. The two books represent polar opposite societies reaching the extremes and following the characters who suffer most from those extremes. It is a pendulum swinging back and forth without finding balance. 0001 can be read either before or after 4522.

How long did it take you to write this story? How long does it normally take you to write a story?

4522 took me about three years to write. Of course, that was over a period of time and there were weeks I pondered with ideas without writing anything. I did work on other books during that time as well. How long it takes me to write a story completely depends on what I am writing. I have previously written an entire book in less than two months.

Do you have a favorite author or book on Wattpad?

My favorite is Emma Leech, also known as @LaDameBlanche, and I have several of her books in my public reading list.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I get inspiration from everywhere. It can come from dreams, nightmares, people watching, or by looking at art and photography.

Do you have any specific goals as an author?

My goal as an author is to be able to continue sharing my writing with readers behind a veil of anonymity so that people can enjoy my work on its own merits. To one day be a commercially successful author and be formally published would be a dream come true.


Thank you so much for tuning in! I'm your host FrennzyChaos, and you have been reading Master Adventurers! Stay tuned for our next edition where we interview an adventurer with a passion for assassin meets romance-filled stories!

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