Knowing Who Still Loves You...

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Optimus was still fighting the Decepticons and was losing energy fast because he was being shot by a large majority of them but, suddenly Optinus started glowing and he started changing when the glowing dimmed the Decepticons saw a large and tall figure and when he came out they saw Optimus Prime but in a bigger form. He started shooting at them and they all retreated and Optimus started changing back to his normal form but he still had the injuries. Sparkplug raced to him while Optimus was call for back up.

" Autobots, I...need.....back...up." Optimus tried to make out before he passed out, and the last thing he saw was Sparkplug and Bumblebee looking at him with worry in their eyes.
In the Autobot base.

Optimus was still being carried to the medical bay by mechs and femmes by his side. Optimus opened his eyes and closed them many times looking to see where Sparkplug and Bumblebee are. He finally reached the medical bay with a concerned Ratchet and Wheeljack. Optimus was placed on the berth and was hooked up to the energon system he woke up with a jolt trying to look for Bee and Spark.

" Whoa big guy take it easy, your lucky to be alive you lost a lot of blood Prime." Wheeljack said placing a hand on the Prime's chest and gently moving him back on the berth.

" Listen to Wheeljack Optimus you could have died, what were you doing out there?" Ratchet said while walking to him.

" Where are.... They...." Optimus asked.

" Oh you mean them, Prowl you can bring them here now, we saw them by your body when we came to you." Ratchet said.

Prowl walked in with Bumblebee in his arms and Sparkplug by his leg.

" Let's give them some privacy." Ratchet Instructed.

Wheeljack and Ratchet walked out, but Prowl was called back by Optimus.

" Wait Prowl I need to talk to you." Optimus said while sitting up.

" What do we need to talk about, sir?" Prowl asked sitting on the chair next to the berth.

" You are a great second in command Prowl I don't know a lot of bots who would want to do this I really appreciate that." Optimus said. "And if Elita was here she would be happy to have a son." Optimus added.

" Well Optimus there are some that view you as a father figure.... Like me." Prowl said walking to the door.

" Prowl you see me as a father figure?" Optimus asked a little shocked still.

" Yes because I look up to you." Prowl said walking out of the medical bay.

Optimus was still shocked by what Prowl had said to him he never knew anyone else saw him as a father figure he thought many saw him as a friend, but father that was an honour. Optimus was still resting when Bumblebee started climbing to his face while Sparkplug was licking his hand. Optimus smiled than he was happy knowing who loves him.
Meanwhile far away from the base

There sat a beautiful femme crying, her name is her is Ariel she was deep purple and pink. But hiding in the shadows was a well known femme, but she is not alive anymore, she's here to guide Ariel to a special someone but it will be a long journey.

" Hello young femme." Elita one said with her strong voice.

" What?! Who said that? OMG are Eli... Elita one!" Ariel said very shocked.

" Yes Ariel, I am here to guide you to Optimus Prime." Elita said floating down to her.

" What but how do you know he would want me I'm not such a spectacular fembot." Ariel said getting up.

" Ariel you must never say stuff like that about yourself I know he would want you he made a promise to me, that he would find love again, and never be lonely. Elita said, floating down to her.

" Are you sure Elita." Ariel asked tears starting to fall down her cheeks.

" Yes I'm sure Ariel. * Sigh * you remind me of myself, when I was Ariel." Elita said.

Elita and Ariel started their journey to find Optimus and it will be a long one.
With Optimus & Bee

Optimus had just got home with Bee and Spark, he made that nothing will get Bee or Spark.

" Sparkplug I need you to promise something for me OK." Optimus said.

Sparkplug transformed into his bipedal form.

" Yeah, sure Optimus and plus basically your like my dad. So anything. Sparkplug said.

" You know that there will be a day that I won't be around to always protect Bumblebee so I need you to take care of him." Optimus said.

" Sure Prime I will protect him." Sparkplug said.

Optimus smiled behind his battlemask, he glanced down at Bumblebee and stroked his face and rubbed Sparkplug's head. He saw Sparkplug fall asleep and he also decided to take a nap and he allowed to go into recharge.

But watching from afar was a figure watching the Prime.

" Oh Prime the day we meet again will be your worst idea. And you will reget the day you dropped me down into that pit." The bot sneered.

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