Meeting Tronic

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Optimus' Memory

Many years ago in the great Autobot base was a mech named Tronic. He was known best for being the leader of the stealth team because his color scheme is very dark. He and Optimus were best friends than but that one day, that one fateful day a mission that went right but than went wrong.

The mission was done Optimus and Tronic were on top of an active mine but they were than under attack. Optimus was holding Tronic over the mine that's when Optimus got a comm link from Ultra Magnus.

" Sir Optimus the mine will blow, you need to throw something solid into the mine to stop it from destroying everything." Magnus said.

Optimus looked at Tronic and made an idea he will regret the rest of his life.

" No Optimus what are you doing?" Tronic asked almost screaming.

" I'm sorry Tronic." Optimus said letting Tronic go, falling into the mine and than it explodes but millions of lives were saved.

Optimus got back to the base and before he could say anything Ironhide spoke first.

" Prime how could you drop Tronic down into the mine!!" Ironhide scolded the Prime who just looked down sheephisly .

" I thought you were better than that you disgust me now." Ultra Magnus said while everyone walked out.

Optimus sighed he was so frustrated he knew that was the worst thing to do and ever since that day he wished he was the one who fell into the mine.
Back at normal time

Optimus just started crying he didn't notice Bee And Spark coming to him.

" Da Da cwying." Bee said climbing up to him.

" Oh hey Spark and Bee I didn't hear you come in." Optimus said wiping away the tears.
" Optimus what's wrong, and don't lie to me." Spark said giving Optimus a serious expression.
" Ok I can't hide this forever. Look many years ago I made a mistake that will haunt me forever." Optimus said more tears falling down his face.
" Ok I drop a friend in an active mine and it exploded and it saved millions of lives. But when I got back to the base everyone never looked at me the same way again." Optimus said crying harder.
" *sigh* Optimus look that was years ago you must forget that because you will hurt yourself." Spark said putting a servo on Optimus' shoulder.
" Ok " was all the young Prime said.
" Da da I have picture for you." Bumblebee said giving Optimus a drawing.
Optimus looked at it and was shocked.
" Did you help with this." Optimus asked.
" No, no I didn't I was knocked out last night." Sparkplug said.
Optimus looked at the picture, Bumblebee was really gifted because the way he drew that picture was what someone older then Optimus would draw. The picture is a bot Optimus knows to well.
" Tronic...." Optimus whispered.
" Sparkplug come with me a bring Bee with you I need to see something on the cameras so I can view the footage." Optimus said sitting down.
" Optimus view the footage and was bewildered by what he saw, Tronic got in and was with Bumblebee.
" Dat is da da's friend." Bumblebee said chirping and clicking when he saw the footage of Tronic.
Optimus was specchless he had no idea what to do. Because now he can find him and do whatever he can to help him.
With Elita and Ariel
Elita and Ariel were getting closer to Optimus but they had to first make some stops.
" Elita how long have you known Optimus?" Ariel asked.
" Well I've known him when he was still Orion Pax and when I was still Ariel. Well when I was injured when Megatron attacked us that's the day he became Optimus Prime. And he made a big sacrifice of becoming a Prime." Elita said.
" What was the sacrifice?" Ariel asked.
" He sacrificed his memory to protect me." Elita said a tear going down her face.
" He did that, wow that's very big. So he doesn't remember your time together when you two were young?" Ariel asked.
" Yeah, but we met again and the dream started all over again." Elita said.
" But why me? Why am I the one going to Optimus?" Ariel asked still confused.
" Because you where chosen by Primus." Elita said.
" Oh so how far are we from Optimus?" Ariel asked.
" Not that long Ariel were getting closer." Elita said.
Back with Optimus
Optimus was now planning a way to get Tronic back.
" Sparkplug I need you to go find Tronic so please look after Bee for me ok." Optimus said.
" Sure, we all need to have our best friends back." Sparkplug said.
" Don't worry Bee Daddy will be back, your in safe hands." Optimus said to Bee while kissing his forehead and then walking outside and going to find his friend.
Optimus' POV
You I thought Tronic was offline but he wasn't this is a relief but will he forgive me? Well I was hot on his tracks but by the looks of it I'm getting further into a isolated area but its worth it to find him.
Normal POV
Optimus then found himself in a dark cave but he proceeded with caution but what he never saw coming was a hard hit in the head. Optimus blacked out and what he saw last was a blue and purple figure coming to him.
10 mins later.
Optimus awoke with a massive headache and saw blood dripping from his head.
" That's one bad wound isn't it Prime?" A familier voice asked.
Optimus looked up and saw Tronic standing before him.
" Tronic, you are alive I'm so -
Optimus started to say.
" Yes! I am alive and I now that you came here, I can end your life." Tronic said almost snarling.
" But Tronic I thought we were friends." Optimus said.
" We were friends before you dropped me down IN THAT MINE." Tronic shouted.
Optimus trembled at those words. He was right.
" Please Tronic I'm sorry I never wanted that to happen." Optimus said tears starting to fall down his face.
Tronic wasn't looking at a him when he was crying.
" Every day I regret what I did I...I... Even wished that it was me that fell in the mine and died." Optimus said his voice cracking and crying harder.
Tronic finally turned around and saw Optimus crying and was shocked with what he said.
" You... You wished that... That you fell and would not survive?" Tronic asked still shocked.
The once regal and confident Prime was now just sobbing. Tronic the walked closer to Optimus and took his chin and gently let him look at him.
" So for all those years you wished for that to happen?" Tronic asked.
" Yes " was all he said.
Tronic did something he thought he'd never do again. He embraced Optimus in a hug.
" I'm sorry Optimus I .... I thought you stopped caring." Tronic said tears falling down his face.
" No its me who should be sorry cause a leader and Prime should never act like that Tronic." Optimus said.
Tronic then released Optimus from the restraints on his arms and legs.
" Come you should meet my new family." Optimus said.
" Optimus I can't because I tried to kill you how can you be a friend to someone that?" Tronic asked more tears falling down his face.
" Tronic there are times when we must forgive and forget. And I do forgive you." Optimus said wiping Tronics tears away.
" Ok but I can't meet them now I want to hide in the shadows to keep the Decepticons from harming your family." Tronic said.
" Ok, just be safe ok." Optimus said transforming.
Tronic also goodbye and thought to himself.
' I have my best friend back.'

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