Optimus Prime's New Power

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Optimus finally came back to his house, but to find it trashed. Optimus looked around and found blood on the floor and it belonged to Sparkplug. He looked everywhere and then found a note and it read:
We have your baby and mangy mutt but if you want them alive you must give us your Matrix Of Leadership.
= Anonymous
Optimus fell to his knees because he knows who's hand writing it is.
" Megatron..." Was all he said.
Optimus started walking to his room and pressed a button that started opening the walls and floors. Different Guns, blasters, swords, knives and gernades were strapped to them. Optimus walked to each of them and took a few out and got out battle and stealth clothes. He put paint on his face and body.
" Time To Take Out The Trash."
Optimus followed the directions to the warehouse. Optimus saw some Decepticons patroling so he had to take them out.
Where Elita & Ariel are.
Elita got Optimus' signal by an old abandoned warehouse and saw him there.
" There you must help him stop the Decepticons." Elita said.
" What?! Are you sure. Well if its to be with him ok." Ariel said.
" I have faith in you young warrior." Elita said before disappearing.
Ariel saw Optimus and saw him firing at the Decepticons and then she also started firing taking them out.
Optimus' POV
I couldn't believe it a femme was helping me taking out the patroling Con's. Then I saw one of them about to warn the other Con's the femme then kicked him in the head and knocking him out. When all the Con's were out cold I went to her to thank her.
" Hey thank you my name is Optimus Prime but you can call Optimus. And my I ask what your name is." Optimus said.
" My name is Ariel." She said.
You know when I heard that name I couldn't hold in the tears because she looks like Elita but has her First name.
Ariel's POV
I saw him starting to cry so I moved closer and wiped his tears away. He looked surprised at that action but he didn't push away he gave into the touch.
Normal POV
Optimus and Ariel's eyes locked. Optimus started feeling the same feelings he once felt for Elita.
" Look Optimus I was guided by Elita 1 to help you." She said then whispered " and to love you."
" Ok but right now I need to get my son and dog out of the Decepticons clutches. Ariel you will help me." Optimus said offering his hand to her.
Optimus and Ariel ran to the warehouse and came up with a plan to free the two.
" Ok you are more agile so you go through the window and I will go through the back door ok." Optimus said when Ariel nodded.
Optimus got to the back door and saw no guards. Optimus saw Ariel standing by the window she wasn't noticeable and he heard Megatron.
" Decepticons we will soon be victorious when the foolish Prime brings us the Matrix Of Leadership we will rule Cybertron!" Megatron said.
All the Decepticons cheered but it all stopped when explosions went off. While Megatron was talking Ariel seized the moment to plant bombs around them. Megatron saw Optimus running off with Bumblebee and Sparkplug with a femme. Megatron was furious he lost them moment to ruin the Prime's life.
But before the Decepticons could do anything Tronic blocked all the entrances and exits and then he blew up the warehouse.
At Optimus' house.
Optimus was happy he had his son and dog back.
" Thank you Ariel I don't know where to start to thank you." Optimus said going to hug her and then adding. " And I can see why Elita chose you."
Ariel didn't know what to say but what she did confirmed how she feels for him, she kissed him on the cheek and was shocked by what she did.
" Sorry I didn't mean to do that." Ariel said a little shocked.
" Are you sorry." Optimus said winking at her.
Bumblebee started crawling to the two and said something that shocked both Optimus and Ariel.
" Daddy is she gonna be my new mommy?" Bee said so innocently.
" Well...." He started to say.
" I will, if he wants me to." Ariel said.
Optimus started blushing by her response because his never felt this way before for a long time.
The next morning
Optimus woke and saw Ariel sleeping soundly on the couch bed and came to her face. He gently stroked it and saw how she resembled Elita he could feel the same strength and power just by looking at her. Optimus walked to the kitchen and made some coffee. He walked back to the living room and saw Bumblebee walking with his little blanket in his hand and thumb in mouth. Optimus picked Bee up and went to the kitchen and put his coffee down and made some baby formula. Optimus was about to drink his coffee when both Sparkplug and Ariel came to the kitchen, Optimus made another cup of coffee and poured out some dog food.
" I thought I'd never get to drink this." Optimus said with a chuckle.
" Wow this coffee is good." Ariel said while her and Optimus went to the living room. Optimus and Ariel sat on the couch, Ariel then rested her head on Optimus' shoulder and he gladly moved his arm around her.
A big explosion erupted near Optimus' house and both Ariel and Optimus looked outside and saw the Decepticons destroying the nieghbourhood. Optimus put Bee and Spark in a protection bunker and then went outside.
During battle
Optimus had already called for backup and saw lots of Autobots coming, Optimus saw Megatron and started fighting him.
" You will never win Optimus prime you will lose everything again." Megatron said punching Optimus in the face.
" I will never give up Megatron because I will fight until my spark is extinguished." Optimus said kicking Megatron in the head.
Optimus then turned around to see Tronic there helping stop the Decepticons. Tronic took out a few Decepticons but then he got hit on the head and fell unconscious. Optimus saw Tronic laying on the ground but before he could do anything he saw Megatron stab Ariel right through the stomach and she started coughing up blood. And then to his horror Soundwave held Bumblebee and Sparkplug in a headlock and Starscream aiming his null ray at their heads.
" You see Prime you can't win you will lose everything!" Megatron shouted then aiming his blaster at Ariel.
Optimus couldn't do anything he remembered how he lost Elita but, now he wasn't gonna lose anything.
" Da Da they are hurting me!" Bumblebee whined before being hit on the head.
Optimus then snapped he then started glowing and when the light disappeared a tall figure came out and Optimus Prime came out but his name isn't the same anymore.
" My Name Is Optimus Primus!" He shouted.
Optimus is very powerful he has now become their Creator Primus. Optimus then use his tellakinsis on the Decepticons he lifted them all up and gave them a message before taking them out.
" You Will Never Take Anything From Anyone Ever Again! Optimus before destroying them all. Optimus floated down and had a look at him self he was taller then before and he saw Ariel, Bumblebee, Sparkplug and Tronic all run up to him.
" Wow Optimus you look... Wow amazing." Ariel said blushing.
" Da Da... Daddy is cool." Bumblebee said while Optimus picked him up.
" I have to admit you do look amazing." Tronic said.
Optimus couldn't help but smile under his battle mask. Then the other Autobots came up to them and all cheered. Optimus picked Ariel up and she removed his battle mask and kissed him passionately, Optimus also returned the kiss and was happy because he has a new family.
20 years later
Bumblebee was now 21 and was able to protect his family from any evil.
" Hello Bumblebee." Optimus said walking up to him and putting a hand on his shoulder.
" Hello dad." Bee said giving him a tight hug.
" Where's mom, dad." Bee asked looking around.
" Well you know she's pregnant so Ratchet said she must stay in a few days. Because its just a few days til she's ready to let them out." Optimus said.
" Wow 9 months passed already. Can I come meet her?" Bee asked.
" Yeah sure." Optimus said.
Optimus and Bee got to their house.
" Hello Sweetspark I missed you." Ariel said kissing his cheeks.
" I also missed you too mom." Bee said seeing Sparkplug walk up to and then Transforming.
" Hey Sparkplug, who's a good doggy." Bee said rubbing Sparkplug's head.
" Hey I'm not a dog right now, but hey long time no seen. Man you've grown." Sparkplug said hugging him.
* sigh * " Wow I'm glad that were all here and I think Elita would be glad." Optimus said.
Watching Optimus and his family
"Well Done Optimus Prime
Til All Are One." Primus and Elita said

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