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"𝙒𝙃𝙔 𝘼𝙍𝙀 𝙔𝙊𝙐 driving like a complete maniac?" Charlotte demanded from the back seat as her best friend took yet another sharp turn on their way to the country club. 

Kensington turned her head slightly. "I'm not." She argued, almost running them off the road. "This is how I've always driven."

"I think that's the problem, then." Charlotte muttered to herself as she ensured that her seatbelt was secure. 

Willa rose her brows at Charlotte. "You've probably just forgotten because you've been spending all your time with your sister and her dirty little friends."

Charlotte shot Willa a glare. "Don't call them that." 

"Seriously, Char." Kensington said as she pulled ─ maybe veered is a better word ─ into the parking lot. "I get that things with Rafe messed you up but there's no need to slum it over on The Cut."

Always about Rafe, wasn't it?

"I'm not slumming it." Charlotte corrected. "I've always been friends with them. There's nothing wrong with me hanging out with them after barely seeing them for a year. John B just lost his dad, you know. I'm trying to be a good friend."

Pulling her keys from the ignition, Kensington rolled her eyes. "That crazy old geezer went missing, like, a year ago. It's been forever."

Charlotte had to convince herself to breathe, to not snap at her best friend. "Kens, please don't talk about him like that. I'm not asking you guys to start hanging out with them. But please just understand the fact that I'm allowed to."

Willa and Kensington shared a look for a brief moment. "Okay, Char." Willa finally agreed. "We just want to see you where you belong."

This isn't really where I belong.

That was what Charlotte wanted to say, but instead she just forced a smile. "I know, guys. And that's why I love you."

"Good." Kensington chirped as she threw open her door. "Now let's get in there before we lose our favourite table."

Charlotte hated the fact that they had a 'favourite' table at the country club. I mean, how prissy could you get?

In fact, as Charlotte walked through the air conditioned building, she realized she hated a lot of things about it. 

The paint colour was ugly and obnoxious. The people were loud...and also obnoxious and the whole feel of the place was just off

Maybe because he wasn't walking in here with her. 

"Ooh!" Willa squealed. "Our table is free!"

Charlotte had to tell herself not to roll her eyes. And then she had to tell herself to stop being such a bitch! These were two of her best friends after all. And one year ago, Charlotte would have also likely been squealing in excitement that no one had stolen their favourite table. 

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃─𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now