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"𝙒𝙀 𝙇𝘼𝙔 𝙇𝙊𝙒 " Charlotte advised as the group of them sat in The Wreck later that night. "And I mean, actually low this time. No guns, no fights. We can melt down this bar, pawn it off and then we can pay for JJ's restitution and whatever else we want. If we need more...we know where to find it."

Kiara passed Charlotte a bag of ice before setting down three baskets of fries. Turns out a recon mission for $400 million dollars and being shot at can make a person hungry.

Pressing the ice onto her ankle with a hiss of pain, Charlotte regarded the other teens who were still buzzing with excitement. "Does that sound good to everyone?"

John B nodded with a huge grin as he turned the bar of gold in his hand. "Yeah, Char. That sounds smart."

He then looked around at the group of them, eyes full of excitement and love. "I can't believe we did it."

Charlotte cracked a grin as she raised her cup of soda. "Here's to going full Kook."

John B raised his, the others following suit. "Fuck yeah. Full Kook baby."

"Do you guys realize how fucking awesome we are?" JJ exclaimed, pushing his chair back as he began to re-enact some of the most riveting scenes from the night. "Like that old broad was literally shooting at us like-bam-bam! And we just fucking─"

His dramatic rendition of their mission was cut off by the sound of the bell. All of them froze in panic for a moment before John B scooped the gold off the table and into his bag.

Charlotte and Kiara turned toward the door, looking like deer in headlights as they expected to see their father walking through the door with a look of disappointment.

But it wasn't their father, not even close.

"Rafe?" Sarah wondered, shocked to see her brother here. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Rafe Cameron looked miserable as his eyes scanned the raggedy group in front of him. John B was still covered in mud, Sarah and Kie looked dishevelled as ever and JJ, Pope and Charlotte were covered in sweat and dirt. They looked pretty rough.

But as quickly as his eyes had scanned the group, they had focused on a single member. It was as if he refused to acknowledge the presence of the others. "Charlotte, can I talk to you?"

JJ, who was still standing, took a protective step forward. "Get the fuck out of here, man. This isn't your turf."

"It's okay, J." She assured, knowing she could handle Rafe on her own. 

Her eyes flickered to Rafe's and she could see the pleading manner behind them. But a day ago when she told him to leave, it wasn't with the intention of speaking to him the very next day. 

Sitting up straighter, Charlotte lifted her chin slightly. "I don't really think we have anything to talk about."

Rafe took a small step forward, his shoulder slumping slightly. "Lottie, please. Just a few─"

John B stood up so quickly his chair clattered to the ground behind him. "She said she doesn't want to talk to you, man. Just get the hell out of here."

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃─𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now